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cyber terorrism

Kratka vsebina Kratka vsebina:

The global security environment is becoming more complex than ever before. If modern security threats posed by international terrorism and associated radicalization of individuals or groups are indeed as complex as content of this publication describes, it is justified to ask several questions, such as: what can a modern state do for its national security system to respond quickly and effectively to terrorist threats; how should the national counter-terrorism system be structured; what roles and powers do security authorities of individual states have within this system; and, especially, are security and other state institutions appropriately organizationally structured, prepared and equipped to be capable of carrying out the activities of countering threats, such as terrorism.

The aim of this publication is to find answers to some of the above questions. The combination of different approaches, concepts and analyses of different cases, as well as the role of national security entities in countering terrorism, provide specific solutions to the majority of the issues including cyber security and critical infrastructure protection, which, however, does not exclude further scientific and professional considerations.




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