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Title:Motorizirani vod SKOV 8 x 8 v vlogi izvidniške patrulje : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kokol, Tadeja (Author)
Kunstelj, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Jurkovič, Stanko (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Uspešno izvidovanje je usmerjena aktivnost, ki ima cilj, v realnem času pridobiti natančno informacijo o sovražniku in terenu v coni delovanja. Naloga poveljnika motoriziranega voda, je dobro načrtovati to dejavnost, napisati ukaz, pripraviti enoto, izvesti patruljo ter na koncu predati poročilo v nadrejeno poveljstvo. Namen izvidniške patrulje je, da se izogne stiku s sovražnikom ter do konca svoje naloge ohranja dobro maskirno disciplino. Patruljiranje se izvaja tudi na mednarodnih operacijah in misijah. Prav v tem obdobju potekajo priprave za prvo napotitev motoriziranega voda SKOV 8 x 8 na misijo v Afganistan. Naloge patrulje na mednarodnih operacijah in misijah se v določenih segmentih razlikujejo od izvidniške patrulje. Skupna jima je naloga pridobitve pravih podatkov in informacij, razlikujeta se v tem, da patrulja na mednarodnih operacijah in misijah kaže svojo prisotnost ter nadzira določena področja, medtem ko izvidniška patrulja ostaja prikrita.
Keywords:oklepno vozilo SKOV 8 x 8 Svarun, izvidovanje, patrulja, zbiranje informacij, motoriziran vod
Year of publishing:2010
Publisher:[T. Kokol]
COBISS_ID:3757262 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kokol_Tadeja_i2010.pdf (1,90 MB)
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Abstract:Successful reconnaissance is a focused activity. Its purpose is the gathering of accurate information about the enemy and terrain in the zone of operations.The task of the motorized platoon commander is to plan the activity, write the order, ready the unit, carry out the patrol and ultimately to report to his superiors. The purpose of the reconnaissance patrolis to avoid contact with the enemy and to maintain good camouflage discipline throughout the entire mission. Patrols are also carried out in international operations and missions. Also in this period, preparations for the first deployment of motorized platoon of SKOV 8 x 8 on a mission to Afghanistan, are taking place. The tasks of the patrols in international operations and missions are different in certain segments of the reconnaissance patrol. The task of acquiring true data and information are similar, the difference is in the camouflage discipline. Whilst the first needs to operate covert, the second shows its presence in the area and maintains control over it.
Keywords:armoured vehicle SKOV 8 x 8 Svarun, reconnaissance, patrol, gathering information, motorized platoon


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