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TitleOpredelitev in uporaba slovenske nacionalne moči : zaključna naloga 9. generalštabnega šolanja
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Authors:Ilenič, Valter (Author)
Furlan, Branimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:nacionalna moč, instrumenti nacionalne moči, elementi nacionalne močiUDC:355.02(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:137348355Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 1925 ogledov; 39 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Ilenic_Valter_i2022.pdf (1,29 MB)
Abstract:V zaključni nalogi Opredelitev in uporaba slovenske nacionalne moči smo se osredotočili na ugotavljanje, kako se Republika Slovenija loteva obravnavane vsebine v Resoluciji o strategiji nacionalne varnosti. Pri tem smo hoteli predvsem ugotoviti, ali Republika Slovenija opredeljuje nacionalno moč tako, kot jo opredeljujejo teoretiki, in ali ima opredeljena način ter namen uporabe nacionalne moči. Ugotovitve smo želeli tudi primerjati s podobnimi državami in jih preveriti pri strokovnjakih, ki opravljajo najvišje naloge na področju nacionalne varnosti v Republiki Sloveniji. Nalogo smo razdelili v pet sklopov. V prvem smo predstavili kratek razvoj teorije nacionalne moči in njeno delitev na elemente oziroma njene gradnike ter instrumente oziroma orodja za doseganje nacionalnih ciljev. Dotaknili smo se tudi teoretične opredelitve uporabe instrumentov nacionalne moči. V drugem sklopu smo opredelili velikost, regionalno umestitev in geopolitični položaj Republike Slovenije ter raziskali, kako v Resoluciji o strategiji nacionalne varnosti izraža nacionalno moč in opredeljuje njeno uporabo. V tretjem sklopu smo na enak način opredelili velikost, regionalno umestitev in geopolitični položaj Republike Hrvaške, Češke republike, Slovaške republike in Republike Litve kot primerljivih držav ter preučili, kako v svojih strategijah nacionalne varnosti izražajo nacionalno moč in opredeljujejo njeno uporabo. V četrtem sklopu smo primerjali izražanje nacionalne moči Republike Slovenije in opredelitev njene uporabe s preostalimi obravnavanimi državami. V zadnjem sklopu smo predstavili ugotovitve raziskave, opravljene s tremi strokovnjaki s področja nacionalne varnosti v Republiki Sloveniji, s katerimi smo potrdili oziroma razširili ugotovitve. Ob koncu smo podali tudi naše videnje oziroma priporočila, kako se lotiti naslednje prenove resolucije o strategiji nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:In this work, we discuss how the Republic of Slovenia defines the topic of national power, how it views its application, and how the subject is addressed within the “Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia” document. More specifically, we study whether the proposed definition is aligned with theoretical definitions, investigate what practical methods comprise the utilization of national power, and examine its expounded purposes. V Lastly, we compare our findings with those of similar countries and verify our conclusions with Slovenian national security experts working in top-level executive positions. The document is split into five sections. The first section introduces the development of theory related to national power and describes its elements and instruments for achieving the national goals. This section also touches on theoretical definitions of national power instruments. The second section characterizes the Republic of Slovenia in terms of its size, regional placement, and geopolitical position and researches how national power and its utilization are expressed in the “Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia” document. The third section draws parallels to the second section by stating the same characteristics for the Republic of Croatia, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, and the Republic of Lithuania as comparable countries and, similarly, reviews how each of these countries expresses national power and its application within their national security strategies. The fourth section compares the Republic of Slovenia with the selected countries by connecting their definitions of national power and its utilization with those of Slovenia. The last section depicts the result of research conducted with three Slovenian national security experts with whom we validated and expanded our findings. Finally, we offer our views and suggestions for approaching the next reform of the “Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia” document.Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, national security, national power, instruments of national power, elements of national power, Slovenia