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Title:Analiza politično-ekonomske krize v Ukrajini : magistrsko delo
Authors:Brenčič, Uroš (Author)
Prebilič, Vladimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Ukrajina je notranjepolitično nestabilna država, ki ima ključno vlogo pri distribuciji evro-azijskih energentov v Evropo in s kapaciteto do 140 milijard kubičnih metrov tranzitnih zmogljivosti zemeljskega plina in nafte letno predstavlja največji nacionalni tranzitni sistem na svetu. A prav zaradi tega se je Ukrajina lani kot glavni akter znašla v konfliktu s sosednjo Rusko federacijo (v nadaljevanju RF) in tako je političnoekonomski spor med dvema državama prerasel v mednarodno krizo. Na notranjepolitičnem področju je Ukrajina doživela kar nekaj kriz, od oranžne revolucije do pogoste menjave vlad, kar jo je ekonomsko in gospodarsko oslabilo. Na zunanjepolitičnem področju se z novo vladajočo politiko obetata Ukrajini otoplitev odnosov z RF in vzpostavljanje močnejših vezi z Evropsko unijo in Združenimi državami Amerike, ki bodo prinesle boljše rezultate državi in zaradi katerih bi lahko država izšla iz gospodarske krize. Vzroki plinske krize leta 2009 so zelo kompleksi in vključujejo tudi načrte gradnje Severnega in Južnega toka, katerega glavni namen je obhod teritorija Ukrajine in neposreden nadzor RF priizvozu in transportu energentov neposredno do uporabnikov. Zato ni nenavadno, da je plinska kriza narekovala spremembe energetske politike EU, ki se je osredotočila okoli vprašanja zagotavljanja nemotene in cenovno sprejemljive dobave energentov. Posledično so se države članice EU odločile za večjo razpršenost dobave energetskih virov, s čimer bi se prekinil monopol zgolj enega dobavitelja, kar je botrovalo kriznim razmeram v celotni EU.
Keywords:Ukrajina, Ruska federacija, plinska kriza, Evropska unija, zgodovina, plinovodi
Year of publishing:2010
Publisher:[U. Brenčič]
COBISS_ID:3775950 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Brencic_Uros_i2010.pdf (837,01 KB)
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Abstract:Ukraine is a politically unstable country, which plays a key role in the distribution of the Euro-Asian energy to Europe. With a natural gas and oil transit facilities capacity of up to 140 billion cubic meters annually, it represents world's largest national transit system. This was the reason for Ukraine to found itself as a main actor in the last year conflict with the neighbouring Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as RF). Afterwards that political and economic conflict between the two countries had over-grown their dimensions into the crisis in the international environment. On the internal political field, Ukraine had experienced a number of political crises, from the "Orange Revolution" to the frequent changes of the Governments, what has economically weakened it. With a new Government, Ukrainecan expect warming of relations with the RF and creating stronger ties with the European Union and the United States. This will yield better results for Ukraine from which that country could emerge from the economic crisis. Causes of the gas crisis in 2009 are very complex and include plans for the North and South Stream construction, with the main purpose of detour of the territory of Ukraine and a direct RF control over the energy export and directtransport to the consumer. It is therefore not surprising that the gas crisis had dictated the changes in the EU energy policy, which focused on the question of ensuring a stable and affordable energy supplies. Consequently, the EU Member States decided to increase the diversification of energy supplies, in order to break the monopoly of just one supplier, which led to the crises in the EU.
Keywords:Ukraine, Russian Federation, gas crisis, EU, history, pipeline


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