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Title:Perspektive in izzivi slovenskega vojaškega šolstva
Authors:Bernik, Valerija (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Vojaško izobraževanje je v Slovenski vojski organizirano znotraj Centra vojaških šol in ima že tridesetletno tradicijo. Zaradi hitrih sprememb na področju vojaštva in težnje po enakopravnem vključevanju v evropski in okvir Nata se tudi slovenski sistem vojaškega šolstva srečuje z izzivi, povezanimi z zagotavljanjem visoke kakovosti. Prizadevanja na tem področju so usmerjena predvsem v vključevanje v javni izobraževalni sistem. V zadnjem času nam je uspelo vzpostaviti Višjo vojaško strokovno šolo in akreditirati višješolski študijski program Vojaški menedžment. Posodobitev sistema izobraževanja častnikov ostaja izziv tudi zaradi omejitev trenutne nacionalne zakonodaje.
Keywords:vojaško izobraževanje in usposabljanje, višješolsko strokovno izobraževanje, visokošolsko izobraževanje
Year of publishing:2021
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:67880195 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Bernik_Valerija_i2021.pdf (246,05 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Perspectives and challenges of Slovenian military education system
Abstract:Military education in the Slovenian Armed Forces is provided by the Military Schools Centre and has a thirty-year tradition. Due to rapid changes in the military, and the desire for equal integration into the EU and NATO framework, the Slovenian military education system has been facing high quality-assurance challenges. The efforts in this area mainly focus on the integration of military education into the public education system. Recently, we have managed to establish the Higher Military Vocational School (NCO College) and accredit the higher vocational study programme Military Management. Due to the limitations dictated by the current national legislation, the modernization of the officer education system also remains a challenge.
Keywords:military education and training, post-secondary vocational education, higher education


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