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Title:Military specific risk and protective factors for military family health outcomes : developing of the model
Authors:Vuga Beršnak, Janja (Author)
Work type:Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Being a military professional and performing the job in the name of one%s country is hardly comparable to other occupations. The military and the family, as greedy institutions, put high demands on their members so it can be difficult to balance between them, which can lead to dysfunctions % negative health outcomes. Every person needs to address various demands during the course of their lives, and the risk and protective factors occur at various socio-ecological levels. This article explains a theoretical model of military specific risk and protective factors which affect military family health outcomes, developed by the author of this article. As currently identified, the most influential military specific factors are: deployments, service member%s gender, combat experience, social network/extended family support, effective work/family balance, and stress resilience-coping.
Keywords:military family, military, health outcomes, risk and protective factors
Year of publishing:2020
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:19919619 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Vuga_Bersnak_Janja_i2020.pdf (519,50 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Vojaško specifični dejavniki tveganja in zaščite za zadravje in dobrobit vojaških družin
Abstract:Vojaški poklic, ki po definiciji zahteva opravljanje nalog v imenu države, ni primerljiv z veliko drugimi poklici. Položaj vojaškega poklica v družbi je določen tudi z odnosom, ki ga vojska izkazuje vojaškim družinam. Temu ob bok postavimo dejstvo, da sta tako vojska kot tudi družina pohlepni instituciji, ki pričakujeta predanost. Usklajevanje med obema za posameznika pomeni izziv, ki lahko vodi v disfunkcije oziroma zdravstvene težave. Dejavniki tveganja in zaščite se pojavljajo na različnih socialno-ekoloških ravneh. V članku je prvič predstavljen teoretični model, ki ga je razvila avtorica. V modelu so opredeljeni vojaško specifični dejavniki tveganja in zaščite in kazalniki zdravja v vojaških družinah. Dejavniki tveganja so med drugim: dolgotrajne odsotnosti, bojne izkušnje, stres idr. Dejavniki zaščite pa so: dobra socialna mreža, podpora razširjene družine, sposobnost uspešnega usklajevanja med delom in družino idr.
Keywords:vojaška družina, vojska, kazalniki zdravja, dejavniki tveganja in zaščite


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