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Title:Razvijanje voditeljskega potenciala mlajših poveljnikov : študija primera Slovenske vojske
Authors:Škoberne, David (Author)
Kalič, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Voditeljstvu se v vseh organizacijah daje velik pomen, še posebej pa mora to veljati za vojaške organizacije, kjer so poveljniki s svojimi odločitvami odgovorni za življenja podrejenih. Poveljnik ima formalno pristojnost za poveljevanje, ki mu je dodeljena s strani višje avtoritete in z zakonskimi pooblastili, voditelj pa si mora svoj vpliv pridobiti neformalno, na podlagi zaupanja in spoštovanja sledilcev. Ljudje voditelju sledijo, ker to želijo in ne, ker morajo. Voditeljstvo se v vojaški organizaciji razvija v treh domenah. Institucionalno razvijanje voditeljstva se izvaja preko formalnega sistema izobraževanja in usposabljanja, operativno poteka preko vseh aktivnosti v enotah, individualna domenam pa pomeni samostojni osebni razvoj vseh posameznikov, tudi na podlagi vzpodbud in usmeritev nadrejenega. Nadrejeni poveljnik je odgovoren za razvijanje voditeljskega potenciala vseh podrejenih poveljnikov v svoji enoti, še posebej mlajših poveljnikov na začetku kariere. Svetovanje, %coaching%1 in mentorstvo so metode, ki jih poveljniki lahko uporabljajo kot učinkoviti načini za prenos znanja in izkušenj ter za usmerjanje individualnega razvoja mlajših voditeljev. Poveljnik je odgovoren za organizacijsko klimo, ki lahko z ustvarjanjem ugodnih pogojev pospešuje razvijanje voditeljstva. Poveljniki vodov in poveljniki čet bodo svoj voditeljski potencial uspešneje razvijali v bataljonu, kjer se izvajajo in spodbujajo poveljevanje s poslanstvom, kultura življenjskega učenja, izmenjave izkušenj med poveljniki, kritično razmišljanje in samorefleksija. Koncept vojaškega voditeljstva v Slovenski vojski je dokument, ki opredeljuje model voditeljstva, določa vrednote, lastnosti, znanja in veščine ter delovanje voditelja. Ne določa pa dovolj natančnih standardov in kriterijev za želene voditeljske kompetence in ne opredeljuje dovolj jasno poveljniške odgovornosti za razvoj voditeljstva v enotah Slovenske vojske. Razvijanje voditeljstva na poveljniški ravni v Slovenski vojski je tako odvisno od razumevanja te odgovornosti s strani posameznih poveljnikov. Tisti poveljniki, ki se zavedajo svoje moralne obveze do razvijanja voditeljskega potenciala podrejenih, bodo temu namenjali dovolj pozornosti in časa ter s tem voditeljstvu dajali primerno težo.
Keywords:vojaško voditeljstvo, voditeljski potencial, organizacijska klima, razvoj voditeljstva, svetovanje, coaching, mentorstvo, Slovenska vojska
Year of publishing:2019
Publisher:[D. Škoberne]
COBISS_ID:6236622 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Skoberne_David_i2019.pdf (776,29 KB)
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Abstract:Good leadership is paramount to the success of any organisation, even more so when talking about military organisations. Not only are military leaders responsible for the success of their units, they make decisions that directly affect the lives of their subordinates. A commander has the right to exercise official authority over subordinates granted by law, while a leader has to gain impact by means of informal measures based on the trust and respect of his followers. Subordinates follow a good leader because they want to, not because they are obliged to. In the army, there are three learning domains to effective leader development. To become effective leaders, individuals need developmental activities in the institutional domain, the operational domain, and the self-development domain. Institutional development of leadership is implemented by means of formal educational programmes and training; activities in the operational domain tend to occur in duty assignments; while self-development domain is focused on one`s personal growth, in great extent influenced by the encouragement and directive of one`s higher rank supervisor. Effective leader development depends a great deal on unit leaders responsible for ensuring that their every subordinate, even more so those at the beginning of their professional career, reaches their potential in becoming an effective leader. Unit leaders can ensure personal growth of their subordinates by taking the time to provide them with individualized counselling, coaching and mentoring. A unit leader is the one who needs to provide his subordinates with proper conditions for good leadership development by ensuring there is good organizational climate. Leadership potential of platoon and company commanders will be more effectively developed and reached through battalion activities, where the emphasis is on mission command, leading through vision and empowerment, focusing on the culture of life learning, exchanging of experiences among commanders, developing critical thinking and self-reflection. The concept of military leadership in Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) is a document that clarifies leadership models, defines values, characteristics, knowledge and skills of a leader. What it does not clarify to acceptable extent is the criteria concerning required competences of a good leader, as well as clear commander responsibilities for proper leadership development in all SAF units. Leadership development in SAF depends largely on individual commander`s understanding their responsibilities, authority and influence in the mentioned process. Commanders aware of their moral obligations, when regarding leadership development of their subordinates, will therefore make sure to provide future leaders with their time and with proper attention given to the important role of good leadership and the process of leadership development.
Keywords:vmilitary leadership, leadership potential, organisational climate, leadership development, counselling, coaching, mentoring, Slovene armed forces


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