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TitleVpliv osebnostnih lastnosti poveljnika na vodenje enote : stili vodenja
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Pucihar, Aleš (Author)
Resman, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:osebnost, voditelj, voditeljstvo, stili vodenja, poveljnik, personality, leader, leadership, leadership styles, commanderUDC:355.133.4:005:159.923.2(043.4)COBISS_ID:6228174Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 5394 ogledov; 91 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Pucihar_Ales_i2019.pdf (1,53 MB)
Abstract:Sodobni avtorji opredeljujejo vodenje kot proces, v katerem poskušamo vplivati na ljudi, jih usmerjati, motivirati ali jih kako drugače pripraviti, da opravljajo svoje delo kar najboljše. Vodenje v vojaški organizaciji se razlikuje predvsem zaradi dejstva, da vojaški voditelj lahko vodi svoje podrejene tudi v smrt. Vojaškega voditelja (poveljnika) najbolj natančno opredelimo s tem kaj mora BITI, ZNATI in DELATI. Poveljniki so zadolženi za to, da znanja prenašajo na podrejene, slednji pa morajo biti pripravljeni, da jih sprejmejo. Pri tem pride do izraza pomen osebnostnih lastnosti, znanj in veščin, ter zmožnost učinkovitega prenosa le-teh v delovanje. Vsak poveljnik ima svoj stil vodenja, ki predstavlja določen vzorec vedenja, ki ga pri delu s podrejenimi uporablja. Transformacijski stil vodenja se smatra za najzahtevnejšega, vodja podrejene %transformira%, da presežejo lastne potrebe in interese. Iz vsega zapisanega lahko trdimo, da je z vodenjem povezano delo z ljudmi, kar opredeljujemo kot čustveni proces. Zaključimo lahko, da je vojaško voditeljstvo čustveni proces, za katerega je poznavanje čustvenih spretnosti in posedovanje čustvenih lastnosti zelo pomembno. Tega se mora zavedati vsak poveljnik, ki želi uspešno voditi vojaško organizacijo.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Contemporary authors define leadership as a process which includes providing influence, direction, motivation, or preparation of people to perform their work to the best of their abilities. Leadership in a military organization is distinct especially due to the fact that a military leader has to offer leadership to his subordinates in a potential life-and-death situation. Military leader (commander) is most precisely defined by what s/he has to be BE, KNOW, and DO. Commanders are responsible for transferring knowledge to their subordinates, who have to be willing to receive this knowledge. Significant in this process are personality traits, knowledge, skills, as well as the ability to activate them effectively as needed. Every commander has his leadership style, which presents a certain pattern of behavior used at work with subordinates. Transformational style of leadership is considered the most challenging, since it involves changes or %transformations% in the subordinates in order to exceed their current interests and expectations. Based on this, we can argue that working with people in a leadership role involves important emotional and psychological mechanisms. In conclusion, military leadership is an emotional process that requires both a knowledge and possession of emotional skills. Every commander who aims to be an effective leader in a military organization should have an awareness of this.