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Title:Vojna za Slovenijo 1991 kot vojaška kampanja ali operacija : zaključna naloga višjega štabnega tečaja
Authors:Jenko, Blaž (Author)
Krek, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Vojna za Slovenijo predstavlja za Slovence kratko, a pomembno zgodovinsko obdobje in posebno poglavje v dolgem procesu osamosvajanja slovenskega naroda. Konflikt med Jugoslovansko ljudsko armado in Republiko Slovenijo je po razglasitvi slovenske samostojnosti dosegel vrelišče in razsežnost oboroženega spopada. Sam oboroženi spopad junija in julija 1991 predstavlja posebnost med oboroženimi spopadi, če ga presojamo s stališča vojaške veščine in hierarhije ravni bojnih delovanj, saj po obliki in intenziteti (angažirane sile, prostor in trajanje spopada) predstavlja operacijo - za slovensko stran obrambno operacijo, ki je dosegla nacionalni strateški cilj. Doseganje strateških ciljev pa je bistvena značilnost kampanje, ki je kot oblika bojnega delovanja znotraj hierarhije ravni bojnih delovanj nadrejena operaciji. Tako je na oboroženi spopad v Sloveniji možno in potrebno pogledati tudi s stališča kampanje, ki je potekala v širšem časovnem okviru konflikta, ki je v večini svojega trajanja potekal kot konflikt nizke intenzivnosti, v najbolj zaostrenem obdobju pa je prerasel v oboroženi spopad in obrambno operacijo znotraj kampanje.
Keywords:vojna za Slovenijo, kampanja, operacija, oboroženi spopad, konflikt nizke intenzivnosti, hierarhija ravni bojnih delovanj, vojaška veščina
Year of publishing:2019
Publisher:[B. Jenko]
COBISS_ID:6222542 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Jenko_Blaz_i2019.pdf (1,14 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The war for Slovenia represents a short but important historical period for Slovenes and a special chapter in the long process of struggle for independence of the Slovene nation. After the proclamation of Slovenian independence, the conflict between the Yugoslav People's Army and the Republic of Slovenia reached the boiling point and the extent of the armed conflict. The armed conflict in June and July 1991 represents a unique conflict among armed conflicts, if assessed from the military art point of view and hierarchy of levels of combat force employment, due to its form and intensity (engaged forces, space and duration of the conflict) represents a major operation - for the Slovenian side defense operation that achieved a national strategic goal. Achievement of strategic goal is an essential feature of the campaign, which is superior to the major operation as a method of combat force employment within the hierarchy of levels of combat force employment. Thus, it is possible and necessary to review the armed conflict in Slovenia also from the point of view of the campaign, which took place in the broader time frame of the conflict, which in the majority of its duration represented a low-intensity conflict, but in the most aggravated period it turned into an armed conflict and a defense major operation within the campaign.
Keywords:war for Slovenia, campaign, major operation, armed conflict, low-intensity conflict, hierarchy of levels of combat force employment, military art


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