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Title:Razlike med spoloma v samozavedanju in njegova povezanost s subjektivnim blagostanjem ter depresivnostjo pri pripadnikih Slovenske vojske : diplomsko delo
Authors:Košir, Vesna (Author)
Kobal Grum, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Namen diplomskega dela je bil preučiti konstrukt samozavedanja in odnos le-tega s subjektivnim blagostanjem ter izraţeno trenutno stopnjo depresivne simptomatike. Pri tem je bil del raziskovalnega problema tudi ugotoviti, ali se pripadniki in pripadnice Slovenske vojske med seboj razlikujejo v merjenih lastnostih. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 127 oseb, od tega 52 pripadnic in 75 pripadnikov Slovenske vojske. Udeleţenci so izpolnili Vprašalnik samozavedanja (SCS; Fenigstein, Scheier in Buss, 1975), Vprašalnik refleksije in ruminacije (RRQ; Trapnell in Campbell, 1999), Lestvico zadovoljstva z ţivljenjem (SWLS; Diener, Emmons, Larsen in Griffin, 1985), Vprašalnik pozitivne in negativne emocionalnosti (PANAS; Watson, Clark in Tellegen, 1988) ter Lestvico depresivnosti (CES-D; Radloff, 1977). Rezultati so pokazali, da pripadnice v primerjavi s pripadniki v večji meri usmerjajo pozornost na javne vidike sebe ter pogosteje tako ruminativno kot refleksivno razmišljajo o sebi. Nasprotno pripadniki poročajo o višjem zadovoljstvu z lastnim ţivljenjem kot pa pripadnice. Razlike med spoloma se niso izkazale na področju zasebnega samozavedanja, pozitivne emocionalnosti, negativne emocionalnosti ter trenutne stopnje depresivne simptomatike. Ugotovitve s področja povezanosti posameznih spremenljivk so pokazale, da se ruminativno samozavedanje negativno povezuje z zadovoljstvom z ţivljenjem ter pozitivno z negativno emocionalnostjo ter trenutno stopnjo depresivne simptomatike. Refleksivno samozavedanje pa se pozitivno povezuje tako s pozitivno kot tudi negativno emocionalnostjo in trenutno stopnjo depresivne simptomatike. Na podlagi rezultatov je mogoče sklepati na povezanost samozavedanja z nekaterimi kognitivnimi in emocionalnimi izidi. Izsledki raziskave predstavljajo prispevek področju psiholoških značilnosti pripadnikov Slovenske vojske, področju razlik med spoloma in povezanosti samozavedanja z ostalimi psihološkimi vidiki.
Keywords:diplomska dela, samozavedanje, subjektivno blagostanje, depresivnost, razlike med spoloma, Slovenska vojska, Vprašalnik samozavedanja (SCS), Vprašalnik refleksije in ruminacije (RRQ), Lestvica pozitivne in negativne emocionalnosti (PANAS), Lestvica zadovoljstva z življenjem (SWLS), Lestvica depresivnosti (CES-D)
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[V. Košir]
COBISS_ID:45485666 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf UNI_Kosir_Vesna_i2011.pdf (749,98 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The purpose of this study was to examine the construct of self-consciousness and its relations to subjective well-being and momentary level of depressive symptomatology. Part of this research was also discovering possible gender differences in these characteristics among Slovenian military personnel. The research was conducted on 127 participants, out of whom 52 were female and 75 were male military personnel. Participants responded to The Self-Consciousness Scale (Fenigstein, Scheier and Buss, 1975), Reflection-Rumination Questionnaire (Trapnell in Campbell, 1999), Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen and Griffin, 1985), Positive and Negative Affect Scale (Watson, Clark and Tellegen, 1988) and Center for Epidemiologic Studies of Depression Scale (Radloff, 1977). Results show that military women in comparison to military men have higher public self-consciousness, rumination and reflection. On the other hand military men report higher satisfaction with their life than women. Nevertheless, military women and men do not differ in terms of private self-consciousness, positive affect, negative affect and momentary level of depressive symptomatology. Results also indicate that rumination has negative associations with life satisfaction and positive with negative affect and depressive symptomatology. Outcomes show that reflection is positively correlated to both positive and negative affect and also to depressive symptomatology. Results suggest that there is a link between self-consciousness and some cognitive and emotional outcomes. This study represents an important contribution to the field of psychological characteristics of Slovenian military personnel, gender differences among them and relations of self-consciousness to other psychological characteristics.
Keywords:self consciousness, subjective well being, depression, gender differences, Slovenia armed forces, Self consciousness scale (SCS), Reflection rummination questionnaire (RRQ), Positive and negative affect scheduele (PANAS), Satisfaction with life scale (SWLS), Center for epidemiologic studies depression scale (CES-D), bachelors theses


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