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Title:Uporaba brezpilotnih letal v tujih kopenskih vojskah : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Vidovič, Štefan (Author)
Žunkovič, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:V diplomski nalogi sem predstavil lastnosti in zmogljivosti različnih brezpilotnih sistemov ter njihovo uporabo v tujih kopenskih vojskah kot bojne sisteme ključnega pomena za uspeh v sedanjih vojaških operacijah. V nadaljevanju navajam ugotovitve, katere brezpilotne sisteme uporabljajo tuje kopenske vojske in njihove izkušnje v preteklih in sedanjih operacijah. Ugotavljal sem formacijo brezpilotnih letal v taktičnih in združenih taktičnih enotah ter njihov način delovanja. Pri analizi povečanih zmogljivosti je razvidno, da brezpilotna letala povečujejo zmogljivosti tujih kopenskih vojska. Primerjavo uspešnosti izvajamo na osnovi primerjave rezultatov delovanja enot kopenske vojske z uporabo brezpilotnih sistemov in brez njih v sedanjih operacijah. Prikazano je, da imajo enote, ki uporabljajo brezpilotne sisteme, prednost v bojnem delovanju v sedanjih operacijah.
Keywords:diplomske naloge, kopenska vojska, brezpilotni sistemi, brezpilotna letala, uporaba brezpilotnih sistemov v operacijah, operacije kriznega odzivanja
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[Š. Vidovič]
COBISS_ID:512213558 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf VIS_Vidovic_Stefan_i2011.pdf (2,42 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:In final degree there are presented characteristics and efficiencies of unmanned air systems and their usage in foreign land forces as a key battle systems for success in ongoing mili-tary operations. In continuation I am adducing findings which unmanned aerial systems are used by foreign land forces and their experiences in concluded and ongoing operations. Ascertainment of unmanned aerial systems formation in tactical or combined units and their modus operandi is given. When analysing increased efficiency there can be summarised that unmanned ae-rial systems increase efficiency of foreign land forces. Comparison of efficiency is conducted on comparison of results of land forces activities with or without engagement of unmanned aerial systems. Final results show great advantage to units that use unmanned aerial systems in battle ac-tions in ongoing operations.
Keywords:unmanned systems, land forces, use of unmanned air systems in operations, crisis response operations


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