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Title:Vloga barikad v Vzhodnoštajerski pokrajini leta 1991 : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Vauda, Dejan (Author)
Bernik, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Poleg vojaških aktivnosti so v vojni, ki je leta 1991 prizadela Slovenijo, do izraza prišli ukrepi civilne obrambe. Med te ukrepe štejemo tudi postavitev barikad. V Vzhodnoštajerski pokrajini je bilo med vojno izvedeno oviranje nasprotnika s pomočjo barikad z namenom preprečevanja premikov ter izhoda JLA iz vojašnic. S postavitvijo barikad je bilo v Vzhodnoštajerski pokrajini oklepnim enotam JLA zelo oteženo oz. onemogočeno poslanstvo, da zavzame zunanje mednarodne meje Republike Slovenije in vzpostavi stanje, ki bi zadovoljilo bivšo jugoslovansko državo. Barikade so bile postavljene na različnih mestih iz različnih materialnih sredstev. V veliki meri so se barikade pokazale za učinkovite, ko so bile postavljene na dominantnih (strateških) točkah in branjene z dovolj protioklepnih sredstev. Prav tako pa se je pokazalo, da je prisotnost in odločnost posameznih civilnih prebivalcev odigralo v nekaterih primerih ključno vlogo in s tem prevesilo tehtnico v korist Republike Slovenije.
Keywords:vojna 1991, Vzhodnoštajerska pokrajina, oviranje, barikade
Year of publishing:2018
Publisher:[D. Vauda]
COBISS_ID:512539446 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf VIS_Vauda_Dejan_i2018.pdf (2,30 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Along with the military activities during the Ten-Day War in Slovenia in 1991, the civil defence measures also became noticeable, and among other things also involved the construction of barricades. During the war, the enemy in the Eastern Styria region was obstructed with the use of barricades, with the intention of preventing movements and the exit of the Yugoslav People's Army from their barracks. With the construction of those barricades, the Yugoslav People's Army had a very difficult or even impossible mission to conquer the external international borders of the Republic of Slovenia and enforce a status that would satisfy former Yugoslavia. The barricades were constructed in different locations and built with diverse building materials. Often the barricades proved to be effective when built in strategic locations and defended with sufficient anti-armour equipment. The presence and determination of individual civilians also played a key role in certain cases and helped turn the tides of war in favour of Slovenia.
Keywords:war in 1991, Eastern Styria region, obstruction, barricades


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