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TitleSimulatorji in trenažerji v procesu urjenja pripadnikov zračne obrambe SV : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Biškup, Aleš (Author)
Stankovič, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:High school thesisTipology:2.11 - Undergraduate ThesisOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:zračna obramba, usposabljanje, odgovornost, vzdrževanje, simulator, trenažerUDC:358.4:681.782.8(043.2)COBISS_ID:512538422Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 5654 ogledov; 34 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf VIS_Biskup_Ales_i2018.pdf (928,90 KB)
Abstract:Pripadniki zračne obrambe Slovenske vojske praznujemo svoj dan vsako leto 9. maja kot spomin na začetek usposabljanja prvih nabornikov tedanje zračne obrambe leta 1991. Od takrat pa do danes vse naloge doma ter v mednarodnem okolju vestno in profesionalno izpolnjujeta dve rodovski bateriji zračne obrambe v sodelovanju z ostalimi enotami. Za strokovno izvedene naloge pripadniki poskrbimo z dobro načrtovanim usposabljanjem, ki je s pomočjo trenažerjev in simulatorjev čim bolj realistično usmerjeno. Dobro usposobljeni posameznik in enota lahko s ponosom nadaljujeta svojo poslanstvo in uresničujeta cilje, saj se zavedamo sodobnih groženj iz zračnega prostora ter tako vzdržujemo stabilen temelj za varovanje zračnega prostora Republike Slovenije.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Every year on 9 May, the members of the Air Defence of the Slovenian Armed Forces celebrate our day, as a reminder of the beginning of the training of the first conscripts of the then Air Defence in 1991. Since then and to the present day, all missions in Slovenia and in the international environment have been diligently and professionally carried out by two combat support batteries of the Air Defence in cooperation with other units. The members ensure professionally executed missions with well-planned training, which is, with the help of training devices and simulators, oriented as realistically as possible. A well-trained individual and unit can proudly continue their mission and achieve their goals, as we are aware of contemporary threats from the airspace and thus maintain a stable foundation for the protection of the airspace of the Republic of Slovenia.Keywords:air defence, training, responsibility, maintenance, simulator, training device