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TitleRazvoj pomorstva Slovenske vojske in uresničevanje obrambne strategije Republike Slovenije : zaključna naloga 8. generalštabnega šolanja
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Authors:Tomažič, Bogomir (Author)
Furlan, Branimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Geršak, Boris (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:pomorstvo, nacionalna varnost, pomorska varnost, obrambna strategija Republike Slovenije, rod pomorstva Slovenske vojskeUDC:359:355.02(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:6148046Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6355 ogledov; 98 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Tomazic_Bogomir_i2018.pdf (1,05 MB)
Abstract:Morje je skozi zgodovino človeštva vedno omogočalo razvoj, saj je bilo povezava med civilizacijami in kulturami. Plovba po morju je omogočala trgovino in iskanje novih trgov ter hkrati širjenje kulture in znanosti ter razvoj človeštva. Danes že več kot 90 % mednarodne trgovinske menjave poteka po morju, zato lahko govorimo o pomorskem prometu kot sinonimu globalizacije. Pomorska varnost je zelo širok pojem, ki ima veliko opredelitev in tolmačenj, ki pa se velikokrat med seboj zelo razlikujejo, predvsem zaradi okolja in namena uporabe. Po eni izmed opredelitev je pomorska varnost kombinacija preventivnih ukrepov in odzivanja s ciljem zaščite pomorske domene pred grožnjami in namernimi protizakonitimi dejanji. Resolucija o strategiji nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije kot trajni interes Republike Slovenije (RS) navaja ohranitev neodvisnosti, suverenosti in ozemeljske celovitosti države. Ta cilj se pomembno tiče tudi morja, saj spadajo teritorialno morje in notranje morske vode v področje nacionalnega teritorija RS, njihova obramba pa je ena izmed temeljnih nalog Slovenske vojske (SV). Obrambna strategija Republike Slovenije opredeljuje delovanje obrambnega stebra nacionalne varnosti in izraža štiri interesna področja ter pet ciljev za zagotavljanje obrambe RS. Pomorstvo SV, ki deluje predvsem kot mornariška enota, 430. mornariški divizion, je bilo od oblikovano zaradi potrebe po zagotavljanju obrambe nacionalnega akvatorija in pristanišča Koper kot strateškega objekta nacionalnega pomena. Četrt stoletja razvoja roda pomorstva SV je zlasti po vstopu v evroatlantske povezave zaznamoval intenziven razvoj zmogljivosti v smeri povezljivosti za delovanje v mednarodnem okolju ob hkratnem zavedanju, da je obramba države primarna naloga SV. Danes predstavlja rod pomorstva del SV, ki je mednarodno povezljiv in s svojim delovanjem v mednarodnem okolju prispeva k mednarodni pomorski varnosti, posredno pa s tem zagotavlja tudi nacionalno varnost RS, ki je eden izmed temeljev za delovanje države. Nadaljnji razvoj roda pomorstva je garancija, da bo SV tudi na morju zagotavljala izvajanje Obrambne strategije Republike Slovenije in s tem delovanje sistema nacionalne varnosti.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Throughout the history of humankind, the sea has always enabled development, as a link between civilizations and cultures, which is based on trade and the search for new markets, thereby paralleling the spread of culture, science and the development of humanity. Today, more than 90 % of international trade takes place by sea, so we can talk about shipping as a synonym for globalization. Maritime safety is a very broad concept, which has many definitions and interpretations, but they often differ greatly from one another, mainly due to the environment and purpose of use. One of the definitions states that maritime safety is a combination of preventive measures and actions aimed at protecting the maritime domain from threats and intentional unlawful acts. The Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia as a permanent vital interest of the Republic of Slovenia indicates the preservation of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state. This goal also significantly touches the sea, as the territorial sea and internal sea waters belong to the national territory of the Republic of Slovenia, and their defense is one of the basic tasks of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF). The defense strategy of the Republic of Slovenia defines the functioning of the defense pillar of national security and expresses four areas of interest and five objectives for ensuring the defense of the Republic of Slovenia. The maritime branch of SAF, expressed mainly through the naval unit, the 430th Naval Division, was originally formed around the need to provide defense capabilities for the defense of the national waters and the port of Koper as a strategic object of national importance. Twenty-five years of the development of the maritime branch was significantly marked after entering to the Euro-Atlantic connections, by the intensified development of capacity in terms of connectivity to operate in the international environment, while acknowledging that defense of the country is the primary task of the SAF. Today, the maritime branch is a part of the SAF, which is internationally interconnected and contributes to international maritime safety through its activities in the international environment, and indirectly this guarantees the national security of the Republic of Slovenia as one of the foundations for the functioning of the state. Further development of the maritime branch is warranty that the SAF will also provide the implementation of the Defense Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia at sea and thus the functioning of the national security system.Keywords:maritime, national security, maritime security, Defense strategy of Republic of Slovenia, maritime branch