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Title:Strateško komuniciranje države in oborožene sile : zaključna naloga generalštabnega šolanja
Authors:Sirk, Marjan (Author)
Brožič, Liliana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Zgodovina kaže, da so bili ljudje vedno, še pred izbruhom vojne, deležni vplivov v obliki pojasnil, razlag, informacijskih kampanj in podobno, ki pa so bili močno pogojeni s tem, kako so situacijo videli ali želeli prikazati pomembni akterji, predvsem aktualna oblast. Vodstvo države torej komunicira tako z državljani lastne države kot z državami oziroma oblastjo in državljani drugih držav ter naddržavnimi in nedržavnimi subjekti. Namen tega komuniciranja je doseči ali podpirati dosego določenega strateškega cilja, h kateremu so usmerjene vse dejavnosti in elementi moči države, tudi njenih oboroženih sil. Komunikacijska strategija in njeno ustrezno izvajanje lahko odločilno prispevata k uresničevanju nacionalnih ciljev, država pa lahko z učinkovitim strateškim komuniciranjem deluje tudi v podporo njenim oboroženim silam in odločilno prispeva k varnosti države. Strateško komuniciranje izvajajo tudi zavezništva, kot je zveza Nato, pa tudi naddržavni in nedržavni subjekti.
Keywords:komuniciranje, strategija, strateško komuniciranje, oborožene sile, država, javnosti, informacijsko delovanje, psihološke operacije
Year of publishing:2018
Publisher:[M. Sirk]
COBISS_ID:6142158 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Sirk_Marjan_i2018.pdf (1,23 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:History is showing that people were always influenced in some form of explanations or information campaigns. Especially before the outbreak of war were strongly influenced by how the situation was seen or wanted to be shown by important actors, especially the current authorities. Therefore, the state's government communicates with citizens of their own country as well as with countries or authorities and citizens of other countries and supranational and nonstate entities. The purpose of this communication is to achieve or support the achievement of a specific strategic goal, to which all activities and elements of the power of the state, including its armed forces, are directed. The communication strategy and its proper implementation can make a decisive contribution to the achievement of national goals, and with effective strategic communication the state could operate in support of its armed forces and decisively contribute to the country's security. Strategic communication is also carried out by alliances, such as the NATO alliance, as well as supranational and non-state actors.
Keywords:communication, strategy, strategic communications, armed forces, state, public, information operations, psychological operations


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