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TitleSlovenska vojska do 2025 in naprej : izzivi in priporočila
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Lipovec, Franjo (Author)
Hartman, Ervin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:Slovenska vojska, Nato, DOTMLF-I, vojskovanje prihodnosti, varnostno okoljeUDC:355.02:355.40(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:6134734Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6371 ogledov; 196 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Lipovec_Franjo_i2018.pdf (830,41 KB)
Abstract:V zaključni nalogi Slovenska vojska do 2025 in naprej - izzivi in priporočila smo se osredotočili na identifikacijo možnih sprememb, ki bodo zagotavljale delovanje SV v prihodnosti glede na spremenjeno varnostno okolje. V nalogi smo analizirali trenutno stanje, ugotavljali slabosti in prednosti ter ponujali priporočila za organiziranost in delovanje SV glede na spremenjeno varnostno okolje. S tem namenom smo ugotavljali ali preoblikovanje SV sledi transformacijskim procesom v zavezništvu. Z uporabo koncepta DOTMLPF-I in razvoja vojaških zmogljivosti pa smo opredelili področja, ki jih je treba za učinkovito izvajanje nalog okrepiti. Nalogo smo razdelili na deset poglavij. Najprej smo predstavili vlogo, namen in naloge SV, ki izhajajo iz strateških dokumentov RS. Sledi predstavitev transformacijskega imperativa zavezništva s poudarkom na okolju vojskovanja prihodnosti. S proučevanjem sodobnih geopolitičnih strateških trendov smo ugotavljali vire ogroženosti v prihodnosti ter njihov vpliv na transformacijo vojska. V nadaljevanju smo ugotavljali vlogo sodelovanja v zavezništvu in odgovore na sodobne izzive prihodnosti. Z analizo stanja v SV smo določili slabosti in priložnosti za izboljšanje. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov in diskusije smo ugotovili, da je SV v stagnaciji in ne podpira vojskovanja v prihodnosti. Z izvedeno analizo razvoja vojaških organizacij v prihodnosti ter pregleda strateških konceptov Nata pa, da mora SV za uspešno delovanje v prihodnosti slediti transformacijskim imperativom zavezništva. Ob koncu smo podali tudi priporočila za delovanje SV v prihodnosti. Zavedamo se, da so priporočila težko dosegljiva, vendar brez dolgoročne vizije razvoja SV do leta 2050 kratkoročno ne bomo mogli določiti prave poti za doseganje dolgoročnih ciljev. Temeljna ugotovitev naloge je torej bila, da je SV treba do leta 2025 in naprej oblikovati kot majhno, ampak še vedno dovolj močno vojaško silo, ki lahko s trajnostnimi viri zagotavlja visoko usposobljene in izurjene združene sile, ki so povezljive z vojskami držav zaveznic Nata in partnerji ter ima operativni fokus na Evropo in regijo JV Evrope s poudarkom na zahodnem Balkanu. Pri svojem delovanju upošteva principe varnostnega sodelovanja, izražene v strateških dokumentih Nata.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The thesis The Slovenian Armed Forces until 2025 and Beyond %Challenges and Recommendations focuses on identifying possible changes that will ensure the future operation of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) considering the changed security environment. The thesis analyses the current situation, identifies weaknesses and strengths, and offers recommendations for the organization and operation of the SAF taking into account the changed security environment. To this end, the thesis attempts to determine whether the transformation of the SAF follows the transformation processes within the Alliance. By using the DOTMLPF-I concept and developing military capabilities, the areas were identified that need to be strengthened in order to ensure successful performance of tasks. The thesis consists of ten chapters. First, the role, purpose and tasks of the SAF endorsed in the strategic documents of the Republic of Slovenia are presented. Then, the transformational imperative of the Alliance is introduced, with an emphasis on the environment of future warfare. Through the study of modern geopolitical strategic trends, sources of future threat and their influence on the transformation of armed forces are identified. After that, the role of cooperation in the Alliance and the answers to the contemporary future challenges are addressed. The analysis of the situation in the SAF identifies weaknesses and improvement opportunities. The obtained results and the discussion lead to a conclusion that the SAF are stagnating and do not support future warfare. The analysis of the future development of military organizations and the review of NATO's strategic concepts show that in order to successfully operate in the future, the SAF must follow the Alliance's transformational imperatives. Finally, recommendations are made for the operation of the SAF in the future. We are aware that these recommendations are difficult to implement. However, without a long-term vision of the SAF development by 2050, it is impossible to find, in the short term, the right way to reach the long-term goals. Therefore, the basic conclusion of the thesis is that by 2025 and beyond, the SAF should be formed as a small, jet still strong enough military force, capable of providing, with sustainable resources, highly qualified and trained forces that combine different branches and are compatible with the armies of NATO Allies and partners. Its operations should be focused on Europe and the region of SE Europe, with an emphasis on the Western Balkans. In its operation, it should take into account the principles of security cooperation, expressed in NATO%s strategic documents.Keywords:Slovenan Armed Forces, NATO, DOTMLF-I, future warfare, security environment