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Title:Neželeni pojavi vojaškega voditeljstva : študija primera Slovenske vojske
Authors:Kalič, Franc (Author)
Okovič, Dejan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Neželeni pojavi voditeljstva so nesprejemljiva ravnanja, ki so v različnih oblikah prisotna v vseh organizacijah in na vseh ravneh. Skupno takim ravnanjem je, da destruktivno vplivajo na celotno organizacijo in posameznike v njej. Pojavljajo in razvijajo se zato, ker v organizacijah niso razvite in vzpostavljene prakse za zaznavanje in preprečevanje teh in tako se jih posredno dopušča. Eden od pomembnih vzrokov zanje so tudi značilnosti določene organizacijske kulture, ki je odsev širše družbe in posledica različnih razvojnih vplivov. Vojaška organizacija je zaradi svojih konformističnih lastnosti nagnjena k prepričanju, da vzgaja, izobražuje in karierno razvija dobre voditelje, zato na tem področju težko razvija samokritičnost. V vojaških formalnih okvirih se težko priznava, da obstajajo in se razvijajo neželeni pojavi voditeljstva. Dejstvo je, da so v vojaški realnosti taki pojavi zaznani ter destruktivno vplivajo na usposabljanje, razvoj in delovanje vojske. Lahko bi celo zaznali organizacijsko hipokrizijo, ki se izraža v protislovju med želenim in resničnim, med teorijo o želenih voditeljih in zaznanih praksah slabega voditeljstva, kar pa je težko dokazljivo. Ena izmed lastnosti vojaške organizacije je izrazita hierarhičnost. V obravnavanem kontekstu to pomeni, da formalno problematiziranje pojavov slabega voditeljstva večinoma zahteva smelost podrejenih ravni, ki na to opozarjajo in s tem tudi vzbujajo dvome v celoten karierni sistem in odgovornost odločevalcev. V vojaškem okolju je treba intenzivno združevati napore za uveljavljanje pozitivnih praks, ki bodo zaznavale in preprečevale neželene pojave voditeljstva ter hkrati spodbujale proces razvoja sposobnih voditeljev.
Keywords:organizacijska kultura, vojaška organizacija, neželeno voditeljstvo, toksično vodenje, poveljnik
Year of publishing:2018
Publisher:[F. Kalič]
COBISS_ID:6124750 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kalic_Franc_i2018.pdf (1,81 MB)
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Abstract:Undesirable phenomena of leadership are unacceptable practices that are present in various forms in all organizations and at all levels. In common with such behavior, they have a destructive effect on the whole organization and individuals in it. They appear and evolve because organizations do not have developed and established practices to detect and prevent them and are indirectly tolerated. One of the important causes is also the characteristics of a particular organizational culture, as a reflection of a wider society and a consequence of various developmental influences. The military organization, due to its conformist characteristics, is inclined to believe that it educates and educates good leaders. The military organization finds it difficult to develop self-criticism in this area. The military profession, in formal and academic frameworks, hardly acknowledges that there are and develop unwanted phenomena of leadership in the army. The fact is that in military reality such phenomena are perceived and destructively influence on training, development and operation. We could even perceive organizational hypocrisy, which is expressed in contradiction between the desired and the real, between the theory of quality desirable leaders and the current perceived practices of bad leadership. One of the characteristics of a military organization is a marked hierarchy. In that context, this means that formally problematising the occurrence of bad leadership is mostly expressed by the boldness of subordinate levels, which warn of this. On the other hand, this raises doubts about the entire career system and the responsibility of decision-makers. In the military environment, efforts must be intensely combined to establish positive practices that will perceive and prevent unwanted phenomena of leadership and at the same time promote the process of developing capable leaders.
Keywords:organizational culture, military organization, unwanted leadership, toxic leadership, commander


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