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TitleDoktrinarne spremembe v Nemški vojski pred XII. soško ofenzivo in njihov vpliv na sodobno taktiko : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Štangar, Primož Gregor (Author)
Marković, Zvezdan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:prva svetovna vojna, soška fronta, nemška vojska, centralne sile, taktika infiltriranja, jurišne enote, alpski korpus, mobilno vojskovanje, bliskovito bojevanje, vojaška doktrina, vojaška taktika, taktika jurišnih enotUDC:94(497.473)"1917":355.48(043.4)COBISS_ID:6036686Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 7166 ogledov; 154 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Stangar_Primoz_Gregor_i2012.pdf (919,86 KB)
Abstract:Prva svetovna vojna je bila je vojna ogromnih armad, rovov, blata, statičnega bojevanja hkrati pa je bila tudi vojna novosti. V času prve svetovne vojne in tudi soške fronte so bile uporabljene nove taktike bojevanja, uporabljena so bila nova orožja ter novi pristopi k poveljevanju. Na soški fronti kot največjem bojevališču na slovenskih tleh so Italijani izvedli 11. ofenziv, Avstro-Ogrska in Nemčija pa edino dvanajsto ofenzivo, s katero so potisnili Italijane vse do reke Piave. Uporabili so novo taktiko, ki jo nekateri avtorji imenujejo, taktika bliskovitega napada. Nemci so že leta 1915 začeli razvijati taktiko in orožja, ki bi v pozicijsko vojno vnesel dinamiko. Ustanovili so razvojno jurišno enoto (Sturmabteilung), ki je z eksperimentiranjem razvijala taktiko infiltriranja. To taktiko so Nemci nekajkrat uspešno uporabili v prvi svetovni vojni. Taktika infiltriranja je imela posledice na novo vojno doktrino nemške vojske pred drugo svetovno vojno. Prav tako je imela neposreden vpliv na taktiko bojevanja, ki jo poznamo kot bliskovita vojna. Vsa načela vojskovanja takratne nemške doktrine, najdemo danes v večini sodobnih vojaških doktrin.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The First World War was a war of massive armies, trenches, mud, static warfare and also a war of innovations and development. During the First World War and the Isonzo front have been used new tactics of warfare, new weapons and new approaches to command. On the Isonzo front, the largest battleground on Slovenian territory, the Italians delivered (carried out) eleven offensives, but otherwise the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, with the help from Germany, only the twelfth offensive, which pushed the Italians through to the Piave River. They used a new tactic, by some authors called the %Blitzkrieg% tactic. The Germans already in the year 1915 started to develop new tactics and weapons, which would enter some dynamic to the position war. They founded a developmental assault unit (Sturmabteilung), which with experimenting developed the tactics of infiltration. This tactic, the Germans successfully used several times in the First World War. Infiltration tactics had effects on the new war doctrine of the German army before World War II. It also had a direct impact on the tactics of warfare, known as the "Blitzkrieg", Lightning War. All the principles of warfare from the German doctrine then are today found in the most of modern military doctrines.Keywords:first world war, Isonzo front, German army, central forces, infiltration tactics, attack units, alpine corps, mobile warfare, Blitzkrieg, lightning war military doctrine, military tactics, stormtrooper tactics