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Title:Skladiščenje SiMES v SV : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kočevar, David (Author)
Savić, Zoran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Zaključna naloga opisuje stanje na področju skladiščenja SiMES v Slovenski vojski (v nadaljevanju SV). Naloga v prvem delu zajema operativno izvajanje del skladiščenja, kjer so navedene značilnosti tehničnih skladišč. Dotika se področja infrastrukture in področja del in nalog zaposlenih, ki opravljajo omenjena dela in naloge. V drugem delu so navedeni veljavni pravilniki in direktive. S kratko analizo posameznega veljavnega akta prikazujem nujnost izdelave temeljnega pravilnika, ki zajema skladiščenje SiMES celovito. Obe področji sta predstavljeni zgolj iz vidika zagotavljanja varnosti. V tretjem delu so nakazane smernice, v katere bi se področje skladiščenja SiMES v prihodnje moralo razvijati. Navedene so tehnološke smernice % oprema s katero bi morali opremiti vsa tehnična skladišča v SV. Na področju pravilnikov je praksa pokazala potrebo po izdelavi celovitega pravilnika oziroma navodila na področju skladiščenja SiMES. V nalogi so navedeni dokumenti iz katerih naj bodoči pravilnik jemlje osnove.
Keywords:skladišče, strelivo, minsko-eksplozivna sredstva, vlaga, temperatura, manipulacija s strelivom, varnost, pravilnik, navodilo
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[D. Kočevar]
COBISS_ID:6034894 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kocevar_David_i2012.pdf (906,34 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The final paper describes the state of the storage of ammunition and mines-explosive ordnance in the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF). The first part covers the operational implementation of storage, indicating the characteristics of the technical warehouses. Touches the areas of infrastructure and the duties and tasks of employees who perform the said work and functions. The second part presents the current regulations and directives. The brief analysis of each act in force, displaying the urgency of making the basic policy that includes comprehensive storage of ammunition and mines-explosive ordnance. The issues are presented solely in terms of providing security. The third part indicated the guidelines, in order that ammunition and mines-explosive ordnance storage area should develop in the future. Those guidelines are technological - equipment which should equip all technical warehouses in SAF. In the area of policy, practice has shown the need for a comprehensive policy and guidance on storage of ammunition and mines-explosive ordnance. The final paper indicates documents from which future policy have to takes bases.
Keywords:storage, ammunition, mines-explosive ordnance, humidity, temperature, handling ammunition, safety, regulations, instructions


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