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Title:Eksperimentiranje - uporaba simulacij v SV : zaključna naloga
Authors:Seketin, Marko (Author)
Pelaj, Avdulla (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Slovenska vojska v svojih procesih uporablja računalniške simulacije že več kot desetletje. Simulacije se uporabljajo na različnih področjih dela, od načrtovanja delovanj, preverjanja variant pa do urjenja v taktičnih postopkih. S simulacijami se lahko izvajajo tudi različne raziskave in eksperimenti, od modeliranja bojnih sistemov, simulacije formacijskih struktur pa do preverjanja ustreznosti odločitev. Omejenost virov, nestabilno okolje, hitre spremembe prioritet, zahtevajo nagle odgovore na sedanje in bodoče koncepte obrambe. Veliko vprašanj iz domene nacionalne varnosti, še posebej vloga in struktura Slovenske vojske v njem mora dobiti hiter, jasen in strokoven odgovor. Eksperimentiranje z uporabo simulacij je v Slovenski vojski nova %stara% možnost iskanja rešitev za izzive v procesih transformacije. Te možnosti so še posebej pomembne sedaj, v obdobju globalnih sprememb, ko se mora Slovenska vojska hitro, premišljeno in racionalno prilagajati novim obrambnim konceptom v zavezništvu.
Keywords:simulacije, modeliranje, eksperimentiranje, koncepti, načrtovanje delovanj, raziskave, eksperimenti, strukture, varnost, obramba, prioriteta, transformacija, arhitektura, infrastruktura
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[M. Seketin]
COBISS_ID:5963982 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Seketin_Marko_i2013.pdf (1,52 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Definition of key military threats to nation state
Abstract:Slovenian Armed Forces in its processes uses computer simulations for over a decade. Simulations are used in various fields of operations planning, variants of training in tactical procedures, computer assisted exercises and operational research. The simulations can be undertaken various studies and experiments, the combat systems modeling, simulation and informatics structures to verify the appropriateness of the decision. Limited resources, unstable environment, rapid changes in priorities, require rapid responses to current and future defense concepts. Many of the issues in the national security domain, specially the role and structure of the Slovenian Armed Forces must get a quick, clear and professional response. Experimentation with the use of simulations is not the new option in the Slovenian Armed Forces for searching the solutions for the challenges in the transformation process. These options are especially important now, in a period of global change, when the Slovenian Armed Forces must quickly, thoughtfully and rationally adapt new defense concepts of the Alliance.
Keywords:simulation, modeling, experimentation, concept, design, operations, research, experiments, structure, security, defense, priority, transformation, architecture, infrastructure


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