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Title:Opredelitev ključnih pokazateljev vojaškega ogrožanja nacionalne države in njihovo zaznavanje : zaključna naloga
Authors:Sajovic, Simon (Author)
Unger, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Vrhunec %popularnosti% so vojaški dejavniki ogrožanja dosegli v obdobju Hladne vojne. Hladna vojna je predstavljala oboroževalno tekmo, tako v količini konvencionalnega kot jedrskega orožja med Vzhodom in Zahodom. Na vzhodu je prednjačila Sovjetska Zveza (SZ) z Varšavskim paktom na zahodu pa Združene Države Amerike (ZDA) z NATO paktom. Z ukinitvijo Varšavskega pakta in razpadom Sovjetske Zveze je svet izgubil enega izmed ključnih akterjev vojaškega ogrožanja in s tem odprl na široko vrata globalizaciji in izginjanju nacionalnih mej. In prav zadnja dva dejavnika sta privedla do procesa asimetričnega zaznavanja groženj. Asimetrična teorija poudarja, da grožnja ni več monopol vojaške sile, ampak prevladuje mnenje, da so s procesom globalizacije svet preplavile grožnje kot terorizem, ekonomska kriza, globalno segrevanje, mednarodni kriminal in ekološke nesreče. Kljub pojavu %novih% pokazateljev ogrožanja pa menim, da ostaja vojaška grožnja še zmeraj prisotna ter vpliva na posameznikovo in državno varnost. Lep primer je v naši neposredni bližini, kjer je prisotnost vojaških groženj pri ljudeh še kako živa (Balkanske vojne).
Keywords:država, vojaška grožnja, vojna
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[S. Sajovic]
COBISS_ID:5963214 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Sajovic_Simon_i2013.pdf (668,11 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Definition of key military threats to nation state
Abstract:Military threats achieved their culmination in the era of Cold War. Cold War was an arms race in quantity of conventional and nuclear weapons between east and west. On the East was the main player Soviet Union with allies in Warszawa treaty, their opponent were United State of America with allies in NATO treaty. With the collapse of Warszawa treaty and disintegration of Soviet Union, world has lost one of the key players of military threats and with that the %doors% were widely open for the fall of state borders and the process of globalisation. Mainly the last two factors brought us to the concept of asymmetric perception of threats. Asymmetric concept does not see military threat as the main factor, but it is bringing forward completely new threats like terrorism, economic crises, global warming, international crime and ecological disasters. Never the less I am still of an opinion that perception of military threats remains the key player, which concerns individual and national security. Good example lies directly in our vicinity (wars after the disintegration of Yugoslavia).
Keywords:state, military threat, war


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