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Title:Vpliv tehnološkega razvoja na nove oborožitvene sisteme in taktiko bojevanja : zaključna naloga
Authors:Renar, Dušan (Author)
Lazar, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Uspeh ali neuspeh v bodočih spopadih bo v veliki meri odvisen od tega, kako hitro in učinkovito se bodo lahko uporabile različne razpoložljive tehnologije na trenutnem bojišču. Z razvojem zaznavanja in razumevanja morebitnih bodočih groženj v sodobnem globalnem okolju se lahko tehnološke spremembe in možne prihajajoče tehnologije učinkovito implementirajo v sodobne vojske. Nastajajoči tehnološki trendi in nova znanstvena odkritja bodo spremenila način življenja bodočih generacij. Nekatere tehnologije oziroma socialne spremembe ne bodo vplivale na vojaško področje, določene pa bodo bistveno vplivale in pogojevale bodoče delovanje vojaških sistemov, vojaškega načrtovanja in odločanja v prihodnosti. V nalogi je predstavljen vpliv tehnologije na oborožitvene sisteme in izvajanje bojevanja skozi zgodovino, nastajajočih tehnoloških trendih, kateri bi lahko imeli največji vpliv na spremembo oborožitvenih sistemov in taktik bojevanja, kot jih poznamo danes ter v zaključku predvidene spremembe v bojevanju, kot ga dojemamo danes.
Keywords:bojevanje, tehnološki razvoj, tehnološki trendi, komunikacije, senzorji, informacijski sistemi, platforme, efektorji, logistika
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[D. Renar]
COBISS_ID:5962958 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Renar_Dusan_i2013.pdf (1,05 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of technological development on new weapon systems and battle tactics
Abstract:Success or failure in future conflicts will largely depend on how quickly and effectively a variety of technologies available in the current battlefield can be employed. With the development of perception and understanding of potential future threats in the contemporary global environment, possible technological changes and upcoming technologies can be implemented in modern armies. Emerging technological trends and new scientific discoveries will change the way of life of future generations. Some technologies and social changes will not affect the military affairs, however some will significantly influenced and conditioned the future operation of military systems, military planning and decision making in the future. The thesis presents the impact of technology on weapons systems and the execution of warfare throughout history, emerging technology trends, which could have the greatest effect in the change of weapon systems and tactics of warfare as we know them today and in the end the foreseen changes in warfare, as we perceive it today.
Keywords:warfare, technological development, technological trends, communications, sensors, information systems, platforms, effectors, logistics


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