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TitleVpliv načrtovane transformacije na zmogljivosti helikopterskega transporta : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Prelec, Robert (Author)
Skerbiš, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Brecelj, Bojan (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:transformacija, zmogljivosti, helikopterski transport, Slovenska vojskaUDC:358.4(497.4):623.746.17(043.4)COBISS_ID:5962702Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6240 ogledov; 66 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Prelec_Robert_i2013.pdf (351,50 KB)
Abstract:Transformacija celotnega obrambnega sistema se bo odvijala v času, ko bodo zelo omejeni kadrovski in finančni viri, zato bodo vsi napori usmerjeni v povečanje njegove racionalnosti in učinkovitosti, ob istočasni povezanosti s tovrstnimi procesi v Natu in EU. Pri tem se bo težilo k ohranjanju trenutnih in razvoju prednostnih obrambnih zmogljivosti, kamor se uvrščajo tudi zmogljivosti helikopterskega zračnega transporta. 15. HEB se bo postopoma preoblikoval v 151. HEESK, pri čemer se bo del administrativnih funkcij poveljstva prenesel na Polk VLZO. V naslednjem srednjeročnem obdobju se bo opravila nadgradnja obstoječih helikopterjev AS-532AL Cougar in Bell-412, kar bo omogočilo kompatibilnost z drugimi oborožitvenimi sistemi in s tem višjo raven operativnih zmogljivosti do izteka leta 2018, ko bodo vidni učinki transformacije na zmogljivosti ne samo helikopterskega transporta, temveč SV v celoti.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:The impact of the planned transformation on helicopter transport capabilitiesAbstract:A transformation of the entire defence system will take place at a time of very limited human and financial resources, therefore all the efforts will be aimed at increasing its rationality and efficiency, while maintaining connection with such processes within the NATO and EU. This will tend to maintain current defence capabilities and ensure their development, including a helicopter transport capabilities. A 15th Helicopter Battalion will be gradually transformed into the 15th Helicopter Squadron while transferring the administrative functions to the superior command. Within a next mid-term period an upgrade to the existed AS-532AL Cougar and Bell-412 helicopters will be carried out which will allow compatibility with other weapons systems and thus a higher level of operational capabilities by the end of year 2018, when the effects of the transformation will become visible not only to the helicopter transport, but to Slovenian Armed Forces in its entirety.Keywords:transformation, capabilities, helicopter transport, Slovenian Armed Forces