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TitleFormacija enot za zveze glede na koncept bodoče transformacije : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Lesjak, Aleš (Author)
Poslončec, Dragan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:komunkacijsko informacijski sistem, enota za zveze, četa zvez, transformacijaUDC:358.2:623.618(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:5962190Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6737 ogledov; 100 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Lesjak_Ales_i2013.pdf (1,23 MB)
Abstract:Slovenska vojska (SV) se nahaja v obdobju transformacije, kar je posledica nastalih sprememb v socialnem in gospodarskem okolju. Posledično obstaja potreba po prilagoditvi SV na novo nastale razmere. Slednje zahtevajo tudi transformacijo enot za zveze, s ciljem reorganizacije enot, s čimer bodo dosežene zahtevane operativne zmogljivosti. Brigada SV potrebuje sodoben, integriran in reorganiziran komunikacijsko informacijski sistem, ki bo skozi visoko raven uporabnosti in učinkovitosti omogočal izpolnjevanje poslanstva. To lahko zagotovimo z ustrezno organizacijo oziroma formacijo enote za zveze. Formacija mora biti takšna, da bo brigadi SV zagotavljala komunikacijsko informacijsko podporo za potrebe obrambe domovine, skozi vse tri faze operativnega cikla in za potrebe izvrševanja nalog na operacijah kriznega odzivanja. Potrebno je zagotoviti tudi poenoteno pridobivanje in vzdrževanje strokovnega znanja.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Slovenian Army is in a period of transformation as a result of the changes in the social and economic environment. Consequently, there is a need for Slovenian army to adapt to the new situation. The latter requires also the transformation of the units for communications, with the aim of reorganizing units, thereby achieving the required operational capabilities. Brigade needs a modern, integrated and reorganized communication information system, which will be through a high level of usability and efficiency enable the fulfillment of the mission. This can be ensured by an appropriate organization or formation of signal units. Formation must be such that the Brigade can provide communication and information support in case of the defense of the motherland, through all three stages of the operational cycle and for the implementation of tasks in crisis response operations. It is necessary to provide a unified procurement and maintenance of the expertise.Keywords:communication information system, signal unit, signal company, transformation