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TitleAmbicije in ocene zmožnosti sodelovanja R. Srbije pri oblikovanju večnacionalnih sil (multinational land forces) na območju Zahodnega Balkana : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Vitas, Miloš (Author)
Peček, Tomislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:Zahodni Balkan, večnacionalne sile, Vojska Srbije, mednarodno sodelovanjeUDC:355.02(497.11):355.356/.357(497-15)(043.4)COBISS_ID:5958862Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6977 ogledov; 83 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Vitas_Milos_i2013.pdf (653,65 KB)
Abstract:Dogodki po razpadu bivše SFRJ so prekinili 50 let močno vezi med narodi novo formiranih držav, izzivajoč nezaupanje in spopade v regionu. Kot rezultat spopada je povzročena velika materialna škoda, ljudske izgube in še zmeraj odprta vprašanja med državami. Regionalne iniciative po končanem spopadu in skupni interes za priključitvijo EU so okrepili mednarodno sodelovanje na vseh področjih tako tudi na varnostnem. Države bivše Jugoslavije imajo predpogoje za efektivno vojaško sodelovanje glede na dejstvo, da so bile del istega obrambnega sistema ter da obstajajo skupne kulturne značilnosti med narodi. EU SZVP in NATO iniciative in programi dajeta okvir za prihodnje mednarodno vojaško sodelovanje ter prispevek regionalni varnosti. Ambicije, zmožnosti, morebitne ovire in zmogljivosti R. Srbije za mednarodno sodelovanje v oblikovanju večnacionalnih sil Zahodnega Balkana se lahko analizirajo skozi veljavne nacionalne dokumente in politike ter analizo zmožnosti in zmogljivosti OS Vojske Srbije, ki bi lahko bile vključene v MLF Zahodnega Balkana.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Ambitions and capabilities evaluation of Republic Serbia participation in shaping multinational land forces the Western Balkans areaAbstract:Events wich followed the dezintegration of Former Yugoslavia broked once fifty years strongly held ties among nations of newly formed states, creating tension, untrust and conflict in the region. As a result of conflicts emerged, region suffered economic damage, loss of human lifes leaving still unsolved problems among states. Post conflict regional initiatives and the common interest for EU integration increased full spectre mutual cooperation among states, security cooperation beeing one of them. States of the Former Yugoslavia share prerequisites for effective mutual military cooperation, considering the fact, that they once were the part of same system of defence and the existence of cultural similarities among nations. Through initiatives and programmes EU CSDP and NATO are providing frame for future military cooperation and contribution to the regional stability. Republic of Serbia ambition, capabilities, possible restrictions and abilities for military cooperation in shaping the MLF in the Western Balkans area can be analyzed through the scope of valid national documents and policies, and current armed forces capabilities to be included in MLF.Keywords:Western Balkans, Army of Serbia, multinational force, military cooperation