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Title:Vrste in obseg nalog enot vojašnic na področju logistične podpore : zaključna naloga
Authors:Frlež, Darja (Author)
Bosotina, Valter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Tomažič, Gorazd (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Logistika je termin, ki se je najprej uporabil v vojaškem izrazoslovju, saj se je gospodarska logistika začela razvijati šele po drugi svetovni vojni. Tudi v SV se je logistika postopno razvijala in oblikovala vse do današnjih dni, ko jo v okviru transformacije ponovno čaka preoblikovanje. Tem spremembam bodo morale slediti tudi enote vojašnic, v kolikor želijo uspešno, učinkovito in ekonomično zagotavljati logistično podporo enot SV. Današnje enote vojašnic imajo zametke nastanka v zalednih enotah, ki so se skozi desetletji spreminjale in preoblikovale. Danes imamo enote vojašnic, ki zagotavljajo logistično podporo enot preko šestih funkcijskih področij logistike - oskrbovanja, premikov in transporta, vzdrževanja, zdravstvene oskrbe, vojaške infrastrukture in finančne zagotovitve. Obseg in vrste nalog so zelo raznolike od priprave hrane, zagotavljanja pitne vode, civilno-vojaškega sodelovanja, vzdrževanja infrastrukture, zagotavljanja premikov in transportov, zagotavljanja streliva in učno vadbenih sredstev, čiščenja prostorov, varstva okolja idr. Enote vojašnic bodo tudi v bodoči strukturi SV igrale pomembno vlogo pri logističnem zagotavljanju delovanja enot, zato pa potrebujejo kompetentne pripadnike, materialna in finančna sredstva in natančno opredeljene naloge tako posameznikov kot enote.
Keywords:logistika, vojaška logistika, oskrbovanje, premiki in transport, vzdrževanje, zdravstvena oskrba, vojaška infrastruktura, finančna zagotovitev, enota vojašnice
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[D. Frlež]
COBISS_ID:5958350 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Frlez_Darja_i2013.pdf (550,26 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Nature and scope of the order of units barracks in logistics support
Abstract:Logistics is a term that was first used in military terminology, as the economic logistics began to develop only after the Second World War. Even in Slovenian army logistics gradually developing and developed to the present day, when in the context of transformation awaits re-transformation. These changes will be followed by the unit barracks, if they wish to effectively, efficiently and economically provide logistical operation of the Slovenian army. Today's units have barracks back in the beginnings of the creation of units that have, over the decades changed and transformed. Today we have a barracks unit, providing logistical operation units across the six functional areas of logistics - supply, movement and transportation, maintenance, medical, military infrastructure and financial provision. The extent and types of tasks are very diverse from the preparation of food, drinking water, civil-military cooperation, maintenance of infrastructure, provision of movements and transports, ammunition and providing educational training resources, clean rooms, environmental protection, etc.. Units barracks will also be in the future structure of Slovenian army played an important role in providing logistical operation units, so they need competent members, material and financial resources and well-defined tasks for individuals and units.
Keywords:logistics, military logistics, supplies, movement and transport, maintenance, health care, military infrastructure, financial guarantee, unit barracks


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