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Title:Transformacija Slovenske vojske : struktura in umeščenost vojaške policije Slovenske vojske
Authors:Cenčič, Roman (Author)
Klinar, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Potočnik, Gregor (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:V okviru procesa oblikovanja primernega sistema in politike za zagotavljanje nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije je ena izmed pomembnih vsebin tudi uveljavljanje nove slovenske vojaške organiziranosti in vzpostavitev učinkovitih oboroženih sil. Glede na nove pojavne oblike ogroženosti ter gospodarske in finančne situacije v svetu se mora vojska stalno prilagajati na način, da še vedno zagotavlja izvajanje svojega poslanstva. Slovensko vojsko na tem področju čaka veliko novih izzivov, saj mora svoje sile razviti tako, da se bodo sposobne spopasti z novimi oblikami nevarnostmi in kljub splošni finančni krizi zagotavljati zmogljivosti, ki ne bodo povečevale nacionalno obrambno tveganje in znatno zmanjševale zmožnosti sodelovanja Republike Slovenije v zavezništvu. Del teh sprememb je deležna tudi vojaška policija. Le njena dobra organiziranost, usposobljenost in izurjenost ter povezljivost v današnjem svetu omogoča njeno kvalitetno in uspešno izvajanje nalog. Iz izvedene analize klasičnih enot vojaške policije in enot žandarmerijskega tipa primerljivih držav sem prišel do uporabnih ugotovitev o vrsti izvedbe spremembe njene strukture in umeščenosti v strukturi Slovenske vojske s ciljem izboljšanja izvajanja njenega poslanstva in zakonsko opredeljenih nalog. Te spremembe se že izvajajo v pospešenem obsegu transformacije Slovenske vojske, potrebno pa je zagotoviti, da ne prihaja do odločitev, ki bi dosedanji razvoj in rezultate vojaške policije Slovenske vojske, izničile oziroma pomaknile za korak nazaj.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, vojaška policija, žandarmerija, transformacija, varnost
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[R. Cenčič]
COBISS_ID:5957838 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Cencic_Roman_i2013.pdf (1,85 MB)
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Abstract:The process of creating a suitable system and policies to ensure national security of the Republic of Slovenia is one of the important content and enforcement of the new Slovenian military organization and establishment of effective armed forces. According to new forms of risk and the economic and financial situation in the world, the Army must constantly adapt in a way that still ensures the implementation of its mission. Slovenian Armed Forces in this area have a lot of new challenges, because their forces must evolve to be able to deal with new forms of threats and despite the global financial crisis provide capacity will not increase the risk of national defense and the ability to significantly reduce Slovenia's participation in the Alliance. Part of this change has also benefited from military police. Only its good organization, competence and skill, and connectivity in today's world to its high quality and efficient performance. From the analysis made by traditional units of military police and gendarmerie units of comparable type I have come to useful conclusions on the type of the change to its structure and placement of the structure of the Slovenian Armed Forces in order to improve the implementation of its mission and statutory tasks. These changes have been implemented in an accelerated scale transformation of the Slovenian Armed Forces, but it is necessary to ensure that there is no decision that ongoing development and results of the Slovenian Armed Forces Military Police, negate or shifted to step back.
Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, military police, gendarmerie, transformation, security


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