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Title:Vloga častnikov in podčastnikov v izvedbi poslanstva vojaških kolektivov : zaključna naloga
Authors:Čander, Mitja (Author)
Košmrlj, Rudi (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Na podlagi poslanstva in bistvenih nalog Slovenske vojske ter načrtov uporabe poveljniki na vseh ravneh poveljevanja določajo poslanstva podrejenih enot in jim odobravajo iz poslanstev izhajajoče bistvene naloge. Učinkovito poveljevanje na podlagi poslanstva zagotavljajo podrejeni poveljniki na vseh ravneh, ki izvajajo pobude v okviru poveljnikove namere, da uresničijo poslanstva. Kolektiv je skupnost ljudi, ki jih povezuje skupno delo ali skupni interesi. Značilnost vojaškega kolektiva je, da ima piramidno strukturo s poveljnikom na vrhu, ki ima svoje podrejene. Kohezija je sila, ki privlači ljudi s podobnimi interesi. Ločimo horizontalno in vertikalno kohezivnost. Horizontalna kohezivnost je povezanost pripadnikov vojske na enakem nivoju, vertikalna kohezivnost pa je povezanost med nadrejenim in podrejenim. Vloga častnikov je, da v okviru svojih pristojnosti ter linije poveljevanja in vodenja neposredno predstavljajo in izvajajo naloge. Častniki uresničijo in izpolnijo svoje obveznosti, naloge in poslanstvo tako, da usposabljanje temelji na poslanstvu enote, zagotovijo kakovost, procese in rezultate usposabljanja v skladu z obstoječimi ali posebej za enoto predpisanimi standardi. Podčastniški zbor z vzporednimi aktivnostmi krepi in podpira linijo poveljevanja. Enotovni podčastnik sodeluje s poveljnikom pri načrtovanju usposabljanja. Podčastniki so odgovorni za pripravo, organizacijo in izvedbo kvalitetnega, v bojevanje usmerjenega usposabljanja posameznikov, posadk in timov. Izbira stila vodenja zahteva od poveljnika poznavanje dejavnikov vodenja. Poveljnik mora pozorno oceniti vsako situacijo in podrejene pri izbiri pravega stila vodenja. Častniki in podčastniki imajo ključno vlogo pri vzpostavitvi, ohranjanju in krepitvi vojaških kolektivov ter s tem tudi pri izvedbi njihovega poslanstva.
Keywords:poveljevanje, poslanstvo, poveljevanje na podlagi poslanstva, častnik, podčastnik, vojaški kolektiv, command, mission, mission command, officer, noncommissioned officer, military collective
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[M. Čander]
COBISS_ID:5957582 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Cander_Mitja_i2013.pdf (609,74 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:The role of officers and non-comissioned officers in executing military teams
Abstract:Upon the mission and the mission essential tasks of the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) as well as upon the unit using plans, the commanders on all levels of command, assign the mission of the unit and upon that they approve the unit%s mission essential task list. A team is a group of people, joint together by common work or common interests. A specific of a military team is its pyramidal structure with the commander on top and his subordinates below. Cohesion is a force that attracts together people with similar interests. There is a horizontal and a vertical cohesion. A horizontal cohesion bonds together members of the military on the same level, while vertical cohesion bonds together subordinates and their superiors. The role of officers is direct presentation and execution of tasks within their jurisdiction and the line of command and leadership. Officers execute and fulfill their duty, assignments and mission by ensuring that the training is based on the unit%s mission. They are also responsible for ensuring the quality, the procedures and results of the training are within the required standards. Non-commissioned officer%s (NCO) teams at the same time strengthen and support the line of command. Unit%s NCO cooperates with the commander in unit%s training planning procedures. The NCO%s are responsible for preparation, organization and execution of quality and battle-oriented training of individuals, crews and teams. The choice of leadership style demands the commander to know the factors of leadership. The commander must always thoroughly evaluate every situation and the subordinates before choosing the leadership style. The officers and the NCO%s play the key role in establishing maintaining and strengthening military teams and thus also in executing their mission.


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