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Title:Zmožnosti civilne obrambe za prevzem procesov in funkcij ukinjenih vojaških teritorialnih poveljstev pri mobilizaciji vojaške strateške rezerve : zaključna naloga
Authors:Maslo, Ivan (Author)
Zakrajšek, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Vsaka država si z sistemom obrambe zagotavlja svojo varnost. V Republiki Sloveniji se deli na civilno in vojaško obrambo. Civilna obramba ima nalogo zagotavljanja podpore Slovenski vojski. Ta s svojo organizacijo in enotami zagotavlja svoje poslanstvo. Zaradi spremenjenih razmer v svetu in povezavami v mednarodne politične, gospodarske in vojaške organizacije se je spremenila tudi struktura sil Slovenske vojske. Republika Slovenija je z vstopom v NATO in s tem v sistem kolektivne obrambe zmanjšala obseg Slovenske vojske. S prehodom iz naborniške na poklicno vojsko se je leta 2003 prenehalo izvajati obvezno služenje vojaškega roka. S prenehanjem služenja vojaškega roka se je zmanjšal obseg vojaško usposobljenih državljanov in s tem možnosti za dopolnjevanje in povečanje SV. Z letom 2010 se je prenehalo tudi obvezno služenje v rezervni sestavi, istočasno so bila ukinjena tudi vojaška teritorialna poveljstva, ki so poleg drugih nalog, bila nosilec razvoja vojaške strateške rezerve Republike Slovenije. Pri zagotavljanju nacionalne varnosti ima svojo vlogo tudi civilna obramba, ki zagotavlja strateške rezerve za potrebe Slovenske vojske.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, civilna obramba, vojaška teritorialna poveljstva, vojaška strateška rezerva
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[I. Maslo]
COBISS_ID:5949646 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Maslo_Ivan_i2012.pdf (330,99 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Ability of the civil defence for the take over of the processes and functions of cancelled military teritorial command in mobilization of military strategic reserve
Abstract:Each country has its own system of defence to provide for its safety. In the Republic of Slovenia, this system is divided into the civil and the military defence. The civil defence has a mission to provide support to the Slovenian army. With its organization and military units, the Slovenian army accomplishes its mission. Because of a changed situation in the world and joining international political, economical and military organizations, the structure of forces of the Slovenian army has changed as well. The Republic of Slovenia has reduced the size of Slovenian army due to joining the NATO and therefore also the system of collective defence. In 2003, the transition from conscript to professional armed forces stopped carrying out obligatory military service. Because of the termination of conscript military service the number of military qualified citizens and the possibilities for updating and increasing the Slovenian army were reduced. In 2010, the obligatory service in the reserve was abandoned, and also the military territorial commands, which were the main actors of the military strategic reserve of the Republic of Slovenia, were banned. What also plays a great part in ensuring the national safety is the civil defence, which ensures strategic reserves for the needs of Slovenian army.
Keywords:Slovenian Army, civil defence, territorial military command, military strategic reserve


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