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Title:Pripravljenost Republike Slovenije na ratifikacijo mednarodne pogodbe o konvencionalnih silah Evrope : zaključna naloga
Authors:Čerin, Janez (Author)
Čaleta, Denis (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Od sredine leta 2010 na Dunaju ponovno potekajo pogovori na diplomatski ravni o modernizaciji nadzora nad konvencionalno oborožitvijo. Po uskladitvi pogajalskega mandata se bodo pričela resna pogajanja o posodobitvi nadzora nad konvencionalno oborožitvijo, ki bodo ki naj bi se končala ali v oživitvi prilagojene Pogodbe o konvencionalnih silah v Evropi ali novem varnostnem mehanizmu, ki pa bo zagotovo temeljil na določilih Pogodbe o konvencionalnih silah v Evropi in ki bo vseboval elemente omejitve konvencionalnih sil, izmenjave podatkov o konvencionalnih silah in sistemu inšpekcij za nadzor izvajanja tega mehanizma. Prvič od osamosvojitve leta 1991 v teh pogajanjih sodeluje tudi Republika Slovenija kot samostojna država. Ker bo pristop k novemu varnostnemu mehanizmu zahteval določene ukrepe in omejitve, ki bodo zadevali našo varnost in obrambno sposobnost, je nastopil primeren trenutek za preučitev posledic morebitnega pristopa Republike Slovenije k temu mehanizmu. Posebno pozornost velja nameniti posledicam pristopa na varnostni položaj Slovenije, na morebitne omejitve konvencionalnih sil ter druge posledice, ki bi jih pristop povzročil. Glede na obsežnost, kompleksnost in zahtevnost Pogodbe o konvencionalnih silah v Evropi so v nalogi preučevane glavne značilnosti te pogodbe in tudi drugih mednarodnih pogodb, ki so neposredno povezane s CFE in nadzorom oborožitve ter vloga mednarodnih organizacij, ki vplivajo na razvoj pogodbe in njeno prenovo. Naloga v svojem zaključnem delu analizira posledice pristopa Slovenije k CFE na njen varnostni položaj ter ponuja model in analizo morebitnih omejitev konvencionalnih sil, ki bi obvezovale Slovenijo ob pristopu ter posledice za njen obrambno-varnostni sistem.
Keywords:Republika Slovenija, pogodba o konvencionalnih silah v Evropi, adaptirana pogodba o konvencionalnih silah v Evropi, varnostni položaj, nadzor oborožitve, pristop k mednarodni pogodbi, Nato, Varšavska zveza, Organizacija za varnost in sodelovanje v Evropi, Organizacija združenih narodov, konvencionalne sile, Dunajski dokument, Pogodba o odprtih zračnih prostorih, pogajanja, Evropa
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[J. Čerin]
COBISS_ID:5948878 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Cerin_Janez_i2012.pdf (1,04 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Consultations on modernisation of the conventional arms control on diplomatic level are taking place in Vienna since the middle of 2010. After the harmonisation of negotiation mandate the serious negotiations on modernisation of conventional arms will start, resulting either in the revived Adapted Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe or in the new security mechanism, which will certainly be based on provisions of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE Treaty) and will involve elements of limits of conventional forces, exchange of information and the system of inspections supervising the implementation of this mechanism. The Republic of Slovenia is for the first time since its independence in 1991 participating in these negotiations as sovereign state. An accession to the new security mechanism will demand certain measures and limitations, which are going to influence our security and defence capability. Therefore scientific examination of the consequences of the eventual Slovenian accession to this mechanism is timely appropriate. Special attention should be stressed on the consequences to the security position of Slovenia, eventual limits of the conventional forces and other results of accession. Taking into account the comprehension, complexity and pretentiousness of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe this study explores the main attributes of the CFE Treaty, other international treaties directly connected with CFE Treaty and arms control as well as the role of international organisations, which influence the development and modernisation of the CFE Treaty. At the concluding stages analyses consequences of the Slovenian accession to the CFE Treaty on her security position. It offers a model and analysis of eventual conventional forces limits, to which Slovenia is to be committed in the case of her accession, and consequences on her defence and security system.
Keywords:treaty on conventional armed forces in Europe, adapted treaty on conventional armed forces in Europe, security position, Republic of Slovenia, arms control, accession to the international treaty, NATO, Warsaw pact, Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, United Nations, conventional forces, Vienna document, Treaty on open skies, negotiations, Europe


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