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TitlePriprave pred odhodom v tujino - kot element preventivne protiobveščevalne dejavnosti : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Cverle, Igor (Author)
Hartman, Ervin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:Slovenska vojska, protiobveščevalno-varnostne priprave, zaščita sil, mednarodne operacije in misije, varnost, preventivna dejavnostUDC:355.40:355.356/.357(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:5947598Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6901 ogledov; 172 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Cverle_Igor_i2012.pdf (400,72 KB)
Abstract:Naloga predstavlja pomembnost preventivnih protiobveščevalno % varnostnih priprav pripadnikov Slovenske vojske tako pred napotitvijo na mednarodne operacije on misije (MOM), kakor tudi tistih, ki odhajajo v tujino na različne oblike izobraževanj oziroma mednarodne dolžnosti ter na tečaje in druge aktivnosti. Prav tako je v nalogi predstavljen pomen protiobveščevalno % varnostnih priprav pred obiskom tujih delegacij oziroma posameznikov v Republiki Sloveniji, kakor tudi konsolidacijskih aktivnosti po vrnitvi pripadnikov SV iz tujine. Cilj je odgovoriti na vprašanje o ustreznosti načrtovanja protiobveščevalno % varnostnih priprav pripadnikov SV pred odhodom v tujino, kot ene izmed bistvenih nalog vojaške obveščevalno % varnostne dejavnosti in njenega prispevka k zaščiti sil. Odgovori na postavljenih hipotezah temeljijo predvsem na obrazložitvi temeljnih pojmov obravnavane problematike, ter na pridobljenih praktičnih izkušnjah skozi neposredno izvajanje protiobveščevalno % varnostnih priprav pripadnikov Slovenske vojske.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Capability of the Slovenian Armed Forces to operate in humanitarian military interventions as part of the military humanitarian assistanceAbstract:The thesis presents the importance of preventive counter % intelligence and security preparations for members of the Slovenian Armed Forces before being sent on an international operations and missions as well as those members who are being sent abroad on various educations and international posts or different courses and other activities. Also the thesis presents the importance of counter % intelligence and security preparations for members of the Slovenian Armed Forces before they expect visit members of foreign delegations or individuals in the Republic of Slovenia as well as consolidating activities for members of the Slovenian Armed Forces after returning from abroad. The main objective is to get possible answers on the question of planning counter % intelligence and security preparations for members of the Slovenian Armed Forces before going abroad as one of the essential funnctions of intelligence and security activities and its contribution to force protection. The possible answers to the set % out hypotheses are based primarily on the grounds of the fundamental concepts of this problem, and also the practical experience gained through the direct implementation of counter - intelligence and security preparations for members of the Slovenian Armed Forces.Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, counter-intelligence and security preparations, force protection, international operations and missions, preventive activity