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TitleZmožnosti delovanja Slovenske vojske v humanitarnih vojaških intervencijah kot del vojaške humanitarne pomoči : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Čebular, Jože (Author)
Potočnik, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:humanitarna vojaška intervencija, človekove pravice, Slovenska vojskaUDC:341.232:355.1/.3(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:5947342Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6776 ogledov; 52 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Cebular_Joze_i2012.pdf (816,99 KB)
Abstract:Zadnji dve desetletji zaznamujejo vse večje potrebe po hitri in učinkoviti vojaški humanitarni intervenciji. Posamezniki, skupine in narodi čutijo potrebo, da bi preprečili, zmanjšali ali zaustavili trpljenje in poboje ljudi. Ravno neučinkovitost mednarodne skupnosti, da bi se dogovorila o učinkoviti vojaški humanitarni intervenciji, daje kršiteljem dodaten zagon za dosego svojih tiranskih ciljev. Primeri Ruande, Kosova, Sudana in BiH nas silijo k čim hitrejšemu sprejetju doktrine o humanitarni vojaški intervenciji, pri čemer humanitarnih vojaških intervencij ne smemo enačiti z mirovnimi operacijami. Nejasno je tudi, katera organizacija naj bi prevzela odgovornost za zaščito. Ali naj bo to NATO, regionalne organizacije, država, skupina držav ali kdo drug? Če želimo sodelovati, moramo imeti v okviru pravne države ustrezno pravno podlago, ki ne sme biti dvoumna in ne sme vsakokrat ob morebitnem sodelovanju enot Slovenske vojske v humanitarnih vojaških intervencijah vnašati nemira. Vendar to ni dovolj, potrebno je tudi ustrezno pripraviti, usposobiti in izobraziti enote SV, da bomo lahko učinkovito izvajali naloge in da bomo brez strahu ali slabe vesti ponosni pripadniki SV.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Capability of the Slovenian Armed Forces to operate in humanitarian military interventions as part of the military humanitarian assistanceAbstract:The last two decades have been marked by a growing need for fast and efficient military humanitarian intervention. There have been an increasing number of needs and requests of individuals, groups and nations to prevent, reduce and stop killings and human suffering. It is precisely the inefficiency of the international community to agree on effective military humanitarian intervention that gives the violators additional impetus for the achievement of their despotic goals. Examples of Rwanda, Kosovo, Sudan and Bosnia and Herzegovina force us to rapidly adopt the doctrine on humanitarian military interventions, but we must be careful not to equate humanitarian military interventions with peacekeeping operations. It is unclear as to which organisation should assume the responsibility for protection. Should it be NATO, regional organisations, individual states, a group of states or some other entity? Whatever the case, effective cooperation under the rule of law requires an appropriate legal basis that is not ambiguous and will not cause unrest in the event of participation of the Slovenian Armed Forces' units in humanitarian military interventions. Moreover, we must ensure proper preparation, training and education of SAF units to be able to implement their tasks efficiently and help develop fearless and proud SAF members.Keywords:humanitarian military interventions, human rights, Slovenian Armed Forces