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TitleZagotavljanje kakovosti dela letalsko tehnične službe pri helikopterskih nalogah - prevoz zunanjega tovora : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Sovič, Darko (Author)
Hrovat, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:helikopter, nošenje tovora, transportne mreže, varnostni ukrepi, omejitve helikopterja, označevanje terenov za pristanek, odgovornosti ekip, kakovost operacijeUDC:358.4:623.746.17(043.4)COBISS_ID:5946318Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 6711 ogledov; 172 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Sovic_Darko_i2012.pdf (1,12 MB)
Abstract:V nalogi je na začetku opisan zgodovinski razvoja helikopterjev nato zajeti vsi glavni dejavniki pri prenosu tovora s helikopterji, ki bistveno vplivajo na kvaliteto izvedbe te operacije. Vsako odstopanje od predpisanih standardov lahko bistveno vpliva tudi na varnost izvedbe te operacije. Na enem mestu so zbrani vsi predpisi, ki urejajo to področje in katere mora operater 15.HEB (15. helikopterski bataljon) in SV (Slovenska vojska) v širšem pomenu upoštevati. Poleg same tehnike, ki se uporablja pri prenosu tovora (helikopter, tovorna oprema, tovorne kljuke) so tukaj bistvenega pomena ljudje, ki v tem procesu sodelujejo in njihov nivo usposobljenosti. Opisan je način vzdrževanja tehnike, način usposabljanja vseh udeleženih in sam sistem zagotavljanja kakovosti. V nalogi sta potrjeni obe hipotezi. Zaključeno je, da je tehnika vzdrževana v skladu z vsemi predpisi in standardi in da je pri vzdrževanju zagotovljeno preverjanje kakovosti postopkov. Podoben zaključek je tudi glede usposobljenosti posadke, kjer je raziskava omejena le na člana posadke Tehnika Letalca, ki je usposabljan v skladu s predpisi in standardi. Zemeljski del ekipe (ekipa za ravnanje s tovorom) pa je precej na slabšem, saj ne obstaja program njihovega usposabljanja in ne način njihovega kondiciranja. Slovenska vojska je sprejela STANAG 2445 ed. 4 na podlagi katerega, bo potrebno izdelati program usposabljanja in kondiciranja ekipe za ravnanje s tovorom (zemeljske ekipe za pripravo in zapenjanje tovora, ter navajanje helikopterjev). Pregledana je tudi skladnost tovorne opreme z STANAG 2286 ed.2, ki daje smernice o ustreznosti tovorne opreme.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:In project is first described history of the development of the helicopter and then ere covered all the main factors in the transfer of cargo by air, which significantly affect the quality of implementation of this operation. Any deviation from the prescribed standards can have significant impact on the safety performance of this operation. At one point is gathered all the rules governing this area and what the operator (15.HEB) and SAF in the broad sense must take into account. In addition to the equipment used in the transfer of cargo by helicopters (helicopter, cargo equipment, cargo hooks) are essential people who participate in this process and their level of training and competence. Described is a method of maintenance of helicopter and equipment, the method of participants training and the quality assurance system itself. In this work, are confirmed both of the two hypotheses. Concluded is that the helicopters and cargo equipment are maintained in accordance with all regulations and standards and the quality control procedures are established. A similar conclusion was also on the crew training, where was restricted to members of the crew technique airman (flight technician) who is trained in accordance with all regulations and standards. Ground part of a team (cargo handling team) is already in worse situation, because there is no program of their training and not the way of practicing. The Slovenian Armed Forces has taken STANAG 2445 ed. 4 which bind the State to establish a training program and to establish regular practicing of cargo handling team. Checked was also the compatibility of cargo equipment with a STANAG 2286 Ed.2, which gives guidance on the appropriateness of cargo equipment.Keywords:helicopter, carrying freight, transport nets, security measures, restrictions by cargo operations with helicopters, markings the landing terrain, team responsibilities, quality of operations