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Title:Reševanje statusa vojaka po 45. letu starosti : zaključna naloga
Authors:Stramšak, Boštjan (Author)
Košmrlj, Rudi (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Bratušek, Boris (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Zakonsko določena starostna omejitev za zaposlitev vojakov v Slovenski vojski je 45 let. Zaradi specifičnega načina izvajanja in fleksibilnosti kadrovskih in organizacijskih postopkov ima Slovenska vojska možnost zaposlovati vojake znotraj lastne organizacijske strukture po doseženi starosti 45 let. Pri tem mora biti izražen interes s strani delodajalca in delavca. Vendar se vojakom po doseženi starostni omejitvi 45 let pogodb o zaposlitvi v Slovenski vojski ne podaljšuje. Zato obstajajo nekatere obveznosti, s katerimi naj bi se reševalo status vojakom po doseženi starosti. Pri tem je prvenstveno reševanje statusa zaposlitve po dopolnjenem 45 letu starosti. Za vojake s starostnimi omejitvami ni dovolj delovnih mest v organizacijski strukturi Slovenske vojske in prav tako v državni upravi. Ne-podaljševanje pogodb vojakom s starostno omejitvijo ima za Slovensko vojsko različne posledice. Med ostalim lahko te posledice predstavljajo velik strošek in hkrati problem pri nadaljnjem zaposlovanju vojakov.
Keywords:zaposljivost vojakov, vojaki, starejši od 45 let, ne-podaljšanje pogodb vojakom
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[B. Stramšak]
COBISS_ID:5945806 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Stramsak_Bostjan_i2012.pdf (555,03 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Soldier employment status after age of 45
Abstract:Statutory age limit for professional recruitment of soldiers in the Slovenian Armed Forces is 45 years. Due to the specific method of implementation and flexibility of human resources and organizational processes, Slovenian Armed Forces have the opportunity to employ soldiers within its own organizational structure, even after the age of 45. In this case, the interest should be expressed on both sides; of the employer as well as the employee. For some soldiers, however, there are not enough job vacancies in the organizational structure of the Slovenian Armed Forces, nor within the State Administration. Non-renewal of contracts for older soldiers may for the Slovenian Army have various consequences. Among others, they represent a significant cost and also the further problem of recruiting soldiers.
Keywords:recruitment of soldiers, older soldiers, non-renewal of soldiers contract


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