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TitlePomen in delovanje celovitega finančnega sistema v OKO : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Rojc, Urška (Author)
Kralj, Željko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:operacije kriznega odzivanja, finance, finančno poslovanje, javne finance, Slovenska vojskaUDC:336.1/5:355.02COBISS_ID:3275470Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 7457 ogledov; 136 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Rojc_Urska_i2009.pdf (1,15 MB)
Abstract:Osrednji predmet naloge je predstavitev organizacije in postopkov finančne podpore enotam SV v operacijah kriznega odzivanja (v nadaljevanju OKO), tveganj s katerimi se trenutno srečujemo na tem področju ter načinov kako izboljšati finančno zagotovitev OKO in s tem zmanjšati število in vpliv posameznih tveganj. Finančno poslovanje sil SV se izvaja skladno z zakonodajona področju javnih financ in izvrševanja proračuna Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju RS), podzakonskimi akti, izdanimi na njuni podlagi, normativnimi dokumenti MORS ter akti vodenja in poveljevanja. Slediti mora spremembam zakonodaje na področju javnih financ, izvrševanja proračuna RS, veljavnim organizacijskim dokumentom, nalogam SV ter spremembam in dopolnitvaminformacijske podpore. Finančna zagotovitev enot SV na OKO v tujini poteka na podlagi memorandumov o sodelovanju (v nadaljevanju MoU) in tehničnih sporazumov (v nadaljevanju TA), ob upoštevanju normativne ureditve vRepubliki Sloveniji ter konceptov in standardov Nata, Evropske unije (v nadaljevanju EU) in Organizacije združenih narodov (v nadaljevanju OZN). EnotaSV na OKO deluje na osnovi ukaza za delovanje. Opravljanje nalog enot namandatu, ki običajno traja šest mesecev, spremljajo dogodki, ki imajo finančne posledice. Le te je včasih težko predvideti zaradi česa smo na tem področju izpostavljeni določenim tveganjem, kršitvam pravil s področja javnih financ v RS. Skušala bom osvetliti nekaj primerov tveganj, ki bi lahko nastali v toku poslovanja in bi privedli do nepravilnosti in nedoslednosti ternakazati rešitve, ki bi omogočale, da bi bila tveganja obvladljiva.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The central task is the presentation of organization and procedures of financial support to units in the SV crisis response operations (hereinafter OKO), the risks they currently face in this area and ways of how to improve the financial provision of OKO and thereby reduce the number and impact of individual risks Financial operation of SV forces is in accordance with the law on public finances area and the implementation of the budget of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as RS), implementing regulations, the normative acts and documents MORS and acts of leadership and command. Financial operation must follow the change of legislation in the field of public finances, the implementation of the budget of RS, the applicable organizational documents, tasks of SV and amending and supplementing of information support. The financial guarantee of SV forces at OKO abroad conducted on the basis of Memoranda of Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as MoU) and the technical agreements (hereinafter referred to as TA), having regard to the regulatory framework in the Republic of Slovenia andthe concepts and standards of NATO, the European Union (hereinafter EU) andOrganizations United Nations (hereinafter UN). Unit of SV at the OKO operates on the basis of command for action. Performing of functions of the units on the mandate, which usually lasts six months, is accompanied by eventsthat have financial implications. Sometimes is difficult to predict those events therefore are we exposed to certain risk in this area of infringement of the rules in public finance system in the RS. I tried to highlight some examples of risks that might arise in the course of business and would lead to anomalies and inconsistencies, and to advance solutions thatwould allow that the risk would be manageable.