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Title:Taktike, tehnike in postopki v operacijah v podporo miru : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kurdija, Tomaž (Author)
Navršnik, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:V zaključni nalogi sem opisal taktike, tehnike in postopke, ki jih vojaške sile izvajajo v operacijah v podporo miru. V prvem delu sem opredelil in opisal vrste operacij v podporo miru ter njihova splošna načela, po katerih seizvajajo, drugi del pa je namenjen samim tehnikam in postopkom katere vojaške sile, napotene na operacije v podporo miru, izvajajo pri izvrševanju mandata ter njihovim značilnostim, katere mora poveljujoči upoštevati za uspešno realizacijo zadanih nalog. V zaključku pa sem orisal vlogo Slovenske vojske na Operacijah v podporo miru ter pomembnost uporabe mednarodnih standardiziranih priročnikov za potrebe usposabljanja pred napotitvijo.
Keywords:politika državne obrambe, mirovne operacije, preprečevanje konfliktov, demilitarizacija, humanitarna pomoč, Slovenska vojska, vojaške operacije
Year of publishing:2009
Publisher:[T. Kurdija]
COBISS_ID:3275214 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kurdija_Tomaz_i2009.pdf (410,69 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:In my final research project I described Tactics, Techniques and Procedures inPeace Support Operations which are conducted by Peace Support Force. In first part I focused on different types of Peace Support Operations and their basic principles, in the second part of research is described Tactics, Techniques and Procedures in Peace Support Operations and their characteristics which has to be considered by commander in charge to successfully fulfill tasks. In conclusion I tried to outline the role of Slovenian armed forces in Peace Support Operations and emphasize use of international standard procedures for training in pre-deployment period.


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