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TitlePodpora države gostiteljice na nivoju vojaško teritorialnega poveljstva - načrtovanje, izvajanje, izkušnje : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Hodak, Primož (Author)
Grgantov, Ante (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:podpora države gostiteljice, Vojaško teritorialno poveljstvo, civilno vojaško sodelovanje, Slovenska vojska, mednarodna politika, Slovenija, državna obramba, vojaško sodelovanjeUDC:355.02COBISS_ID:3277774Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 7955 ogledov; 241 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Hodak_Primoz_i2009.pdf (295,40 KB)
Abstract:Podpora države gostiteljice predstavlja enega od izzivov delovanja Slovenske vojske. S tem se želi zagotoviti civilna in vojaška pomoč v miru, izrednih stanjih, krizah in v vojni, ki jo Republika Slovenija na podlagi mednarodnih sporazumov in dogovorov kot država gostiteljica nudi zavezniškim silam in organizacijam, ki se nahajajo na ozemlju, v notranjih, morskih vodah ali zračnem prostoru Republike Slovenije, na teh območjih delujejo ali jih prečkajo. S pravilno uporabo, poznavanjem, načrtovanjem in pripravo vseh segmentov delovanja podpore države gostiteljice Vojaško teritorialno poveljstvo tem silam nudi sprejem, namestitev, logistično oskrbo in varovanje.Ob tem pa skrbi za nemoteno izvedbo dejavnosti podpore države gostiteljice s civilno vojaškim sodelovanjem ter obveščanjem javnosti, kar pripomore k prepoznavnosti Slovenske vojske.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Host Nation Support is one of the challenges of the Slovenian Armed Forces. The main point of this is to ensure the civilian and military assistance in the peace, the state of emergency, crisis and war, that the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of international agreements and arrangements as a host country offers to the allied forces and organizations which are located in theterritory, in internal or sea waters, airspace of the Republic of Slovenia,working in those areas or just passing through. With proper use, knowledge, planning and preparation of all segments of the operation of the Host Nation Support, District Command providing reception, accommodation, logistics support and security. At the same time, ensure the smooth implementation of the all activities of the Host Nation Support with the CivilMilitary Co-operation, and with informing the public which it helps to the visibility of the Slovenian Armed Forces.