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TitlePomen celovitega informacijskega sistema logistike na njeno izvajanje : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Kekec, Danilo (Author)
Ladinek, Dušan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:logistika, vojaška logistika, informacijski sistemi, kadri, finance, MORS, projektiUDC:004:355.41COBISS_ID:3276238Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 8243 ogledov; 209 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kekec_Danilo_i2009.pdf (1,00 MB)
Abstract:Logistična podpora je dejavnost, ki s svojimi logističnimi sistemi zagotavlja pogoje za delovanje in ohranjanje vzdržljivosti sil za delovanje. V zaključni nalogi na štabnem šolanju sem preučeval pomen uvedbe celovitega informacijskega sistema logistike na njeno izvajanje. MORS je v začetku 21. stoletja ugotovil, da je potrebno narediti korak naprej pri uspešnem funkcioniranju logistike MORS. Na osnovi izdelane študije, je bilo ugotovljeno, da je potrebno v doglednem času uvesti celovit informacijski sistem, ki bo ponudil dodano vrednost, k obstoječemu sistemu. Na razpisu je bilo izbrano podjetje SAP AG, v sodelovanju z IBM d. d. in S&T. MORS je kupilsistem SAP ERP 2005, ki ga že uporablja sedemnajst članic zveze NATO. Namen celovitega informacijskega sistema logistike, je kasneje prerasel tudi na področje kadrov in financ. Cilj uvedbe ISLOG. CR je racionalizacija poslovanja, transparentnost logističnih in ostalih procesov, zmanjšanje stroškov, večja in hitrejša odzivnost na spremenjene varnostne razmere v svetu. ERP sistem je sestavljen modularno in je bil kot ekonomski model razvit že v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. MORS se je odločil da bo vprvi fazi uvajanja uvedel tri module (vzdrževanje, oskrba in nabava) kot pilotske projekte v določenih izbranih enotah SV. V sodobnem času si zelo težko predstavljamo neko organizacijo, ki ne uporablja informacijskih tehnologij in aplikacij v svojem proizvodnem sistemu. MORS mora slediti sodobnim trendom in zakonitostim ekonomije, ker se zaradi zmanjševanja tako finančnih kot kadrovskih virov vse bolj odpira in povezuje z civilnimi organizacijami.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Logistical support is an activity for providing the operational conditions andfor ensuring operational forces endurance. For the Stuff Course final diploma purposes I have researched the significancy of the Integrated Logistics Information System implementation. In the beginning of the 21st century the Slovenian MOD realized that one step further had to be done for the successful MOD Logistics functioning. It was found on the basis of the studies made that integrated information system has to be implemented for offering the added value to the existing system. The companies SAP AG in cooperation with IBM d. d. and S&T have won the tender. MOD has bought SAP ERP2005 system which is already in use by seventeen NATO members. The purpose of the Integrated Logistics Information System itself has later grown also to the Human Resources and Finance field. ISLOG. CR Project's goal is rationalization of operations, logistical and other processes transparency, expenses cut-off, and greater and quicker responsiveness to the changed World's security situation. ERP system has modular structure and was developedin the ninety's of the previous century as an economical model. MOD has decided that the 1st phase of the implementation will have tri modules (maintenance, supply and purchase) as the pilot projects in some selected Slovenian Armed Forces units. In modern times it is hard to find an organization that does not use information technologies and applications in its production system. MOD has to follow current trends and laws of economics,because of reducing both financial and human resources it is increasingly opening up and connecting with civil organizations.