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Title:Bojna morala v bataljonu - vloga poveljujočih pri graditvi in ohranjanju bojne morale : zaključna naloga
Authors:Kovačič, Viljem (Author)
Maraš, Vasilije (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Korošec, Irena (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Vojak še vedno zavzema osrednjo vlogo v vojaški organizaciji. Je tisti, ki upravlja z oborožitvenimi sistemi, vojaško tehniko in opremo ter predstavlja enega izmed najpomembnejših dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na izid vojaških operacij.Če želimo imeti uspešno vojaško organizacijo se je potrebno osredotočiti predvsem na človeka. Cilj vsake vojaške organizacije je poiskati čim boljše metode za razvijanje in krepitev bojne morale, saj ta pomaga oboroženim silam doseči cilj oziroma zadano nalogo.
Keywords:bojna morala, bataljoni, morala, vrednote, Slovenska vojska, domoljubje, poveljniki
Year of publishing:2009
Publisher:[V. Kovačič]
COBISS_ID:3274446 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kovacic_Viljem_i2009.pdf (476,94 KB)
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Abstract:The soldiers still take most important part in military organisation. They arethe ones who deal with weapons system, military techniques and equipments and they are one of the most important factor, affecting how the military operations are completed. If we want effective military organization we shouldaspect to human beings. The aim every military organisation is to find most suitable metods for development and practise of combat morale, because moral enables armed forces to achieve their goal or planned action.


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