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Title:Logistična podpora v operacijah kriznega odzivanja : zaključna naloga
Authors:Hatunič, Ervin (Author)
Novak, Gvido (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Slovenska vojska si s sodelovanjem na operacijah kriznega odzivanja pridobivadragocene izkušnje, s katerimi dvigujemo pripravljenost Slovenske vojske in s tem sposobnost za izvajanje vojaške obrambe, ki je njena glavna naloga. Poleg tega so operacije priložnost za preverjanje sposobnosti posameznika, enote in organizacije v celoti. Pri zagotavljanju logistične podpore enote in poveljstva se pridobivajo izkušnje pri organiziranju nacionalne logistične podpore v območju delovanja ob podpori države gostiteljice ali drugih sil ter podpore z nacionalnega ozemlja. V nalogi so predstavljene oblike logistične podpore na operacijah kriznega odzivanja, ki jih predvideva veljavna literatura in jih lahko uporabimo za zagotavljanje delovanja enot Slovenske vojske. Opirajoč se na to literaturo in pridobljene izkušnje sem poskusil podati odgovor na vprašanje, ali je možno opredeliti kriterije za izbiro logistične podpore.
Keywords:operacije kriznega odzivanja, logistika, mednarodna logistika, vojaška logistika, Slovenska vojska, doktrina vojaške logistike, NATO
Year of publishing:2009
Publisher:[E. Hatunič]
COBISS_ID:3276494 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Hatunic_Ervin_i2009.pdf (578,10 KB)
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Abstract:Slovenian Armed Forces, with the participation in the crisis response operations obtained valuable experiences, which raise the willingness and the capacity of the Slovenian Armed Forces to carry out military defense of R. Slovenia, which is its main task. In addition, operations are an opportunity to check the ability of individuals, units and organizations as a whole. Providing the logistical support for units and headquarters, with the support of the host country, other forces and with the support from the national territory, we increase our experience how to organized national logistic support in the area of operation. In my task, trough the valid literature, I presented forms of logistical support in the crisis response operations, whichcan be used to ensure the functioning of the Slovenian Armed Forces. On the basis of this literature and the experience, I tried to give an answer to the question, is it possible to define the criteria for selection of logistical support?


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