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Title:Vrednote zaposlenih kot dejavnik uspešnosti v vojaški organizaciji : zaključna naloga
Authors:Vitek, Borut (Author)
Anželj, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Bernik, Valerija (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Ob vključitvi posameznika v delovni proces pride do interakcije med njim in organizacijsko kulturo organizacije, kateri se je pridružil. Da bi bilo delo v organizaciji uspešno, mora le ta razviti primerno in jasno organizacijsko kulturo, katere sestavni del so tudi vrednote. Vrednote so najpomembnejši del kulture, ki nastaja v procesu skupinskega reševanja problemov. Vrednote pa niso pomembne samo za organizacijo kot celoto, temveč tudi za vsakega posameznika v njej. Vrednote namreč lahko označimo tudi kot življenjska vodila in kot pomemben dejavnik obnašanja ljudi. Prav tako pa so vrednote lahko tudi vir notranjih konfliktov, ki jih doživlja posameznik, kadar delo, ki ga opravlja, ni v skladu z njegovim sistemom vrednot. Organizacije morajo pri svoji dejavnosti posvetiti pozornost svojim zaposlenim, ki so ključni faktor pri izpolnjevanju zastavljenih ciljev. Predvsem morajo poskrbeti, da bo sistem vrednot, ki jih zasleduje organizacija, znan in osvojen s strani zaposlenih. Pri tem pa je pomembno, da so vrednote posameznika in vrednote organizacije usklajene v največji meri. Problem, v nalogi, je obravnavana domnevna neusklajenost vrednot zaposlenih z vrednotami SV. V empiričnem delu naloge sem raziskal in opredelil mesto in pomen deklariranih vrednot v SV pri pripadnikih v vojaškem kolektivu, ter ugotavljal skladnost teh vrednot z osebnimi. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti ali deklarirane vrednote SV pozitivno vplivajo k boljšemu delovanju SV.
Keywords:vrednote, vojaška organizacija, osebne vrednote posameznika, vrednote Slovenske vojske
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[B. Vitek]
COBISS_ID:5526990 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Vitek_Borut_i2013.pdf (453,77 KB)
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Abstract:When an individual is included in a working process, an interaction between him and the organizational culture of a company accurse. If a working process in the organization is to be successful, the organization has to develop an appropriate and clear organizational culture with values included. Values are the most important part of a culture that develops during a group problem-solving process. Values are not important just for the organization as a whole, but for an individual as an employee also, because values can be easily described as the main life guidelines and the most important factor of one%s behavior. Values can also be a source of an internal conflict of an individual, when a job demands tasks that are not in accordance with one%s value system. An internal conflict, a conflict within an individual, will also be seen in one%s performance, which will not be in accordance with the expectations of the organization. Companies should address the needed attention to their employees, because they represent the key factor in accomplishing the organizational goals. Thus the companies must insure that the organizational value system is well known and adopted by their employees. Therefore the values of employees and the values of a company must be in coherence as much as possible. The problem that I researched is the assuming incoherence of individual%s values with the values of the Slovenian armed forces (SAF). To be more exact, I empirically researched and defined the rank and the importance of formally declared values of SAF for an individual and tried to determine their accordance with individual values of employees and the commanding staff. The intent of my research was to determine the positive influence of declared values of SAF on the successfulness of one%s performance in the SAF.
Keywords:values, declared values of the SAF, organizational goals, organizational mission


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