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Title:Menedžment vodenja vojaških kolektivov : zaključna naloga
Authors:Trošt, Mateja (Author)
Košmrlj, Rudi (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:V sodobnem svetu so praktično vse informacije dostopne kjerkoli in kadarkoli. Tudi o skoraj vsaki vojaški organizaciji lahko veliko podatkov dobimo že na svetovnem spletu. Dostopni so podatki o oborožitvenih sistemih, sestavi in načinu usposabljanja enot. V nalogi sem podrobno raziskala zakaj in kako se lahko vojske kot sistemi razlikujejo med seboj. Opredelila sem dejavnike, ki ločujejo povprečne oborožene sile od vrhunskih. Vsi so povezani z upravljanjem z njenimi pripadniki. Osredinila sem se na prvine vojaškega menedžerja, ki mora za uspešno vodenje vojaškega kolektiva, v sebi združevati tako vrhunskega poveljnika kot voditelja. Poveljevanje je podeljena funkcija, zato je za vrhunskega vojaškega menedžerja ključno, da pozna, obvladuje in živi ključne kompetence vojaškega voditelja. Znati mora voditi in vplivati na podrejene, predvsem z lastnim zgledom. Graditi in vzbujati zaupanje, biti izjemen retorik. Usmerjen mora biti razvojno (lasten razvoj, razvoj podrejenih in razvoj sistema, ki mu je zaupan).
Keywords:vojaški menedžment, voditeljstvo, kompetence
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[M. Trošt]
COBISS_ID:5520334 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Trost_Mateja_i2013.pdf (285,33 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:In a modern world, practically all information is available anywhere at any time. One can get comprehensive data about every military organisation on the internet. There are available data about weapons, structure in units training programs. I researched in details why and how can different armed forces be distinguished. I defined the factors, which single out average armies from excellent ones. They all include human capital management. I focused on the constituent elements of a military manager, who has to, in order to successfully lead an excellent military team, combine principals of command and leadership. The function of command is conceded to him. Thatʼs why is essential, that a military manager knows, masters and lives key competences of an army leader. He must know how to lead and influence his subordinates by setting an example. He must build an atmosphere of trust and be an exceptional rhetoric. He must me progress oriented, that 5 includes self development, development of subordinates and the progress of military organisation, which is entrusted to him.
Keywords:military management, leadership, competences


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