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TitleObveščevalna zagotovitev v brigadi in polku : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Žbogar, Matjaž (Author)
Hartman, Ervin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:obveščevalna zagotovitev, vojaška obveščevalna dejavnost, nadzor, izvidovanje, obveščevalni ciklus, brigada, polk, bataljonska bojna skupina.UDC:355.40:355.311.6(043.4)COBISS_ID:5514190Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 8427 ogledov; 108 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Zbogar_Matjaz_i2013.pdf (403,14 KB)
Abstract:Obveščevalna zagotovitev je bojna funkcija, ki ima pomembno vlogo v vseh načinih delovanja brigade in polka. Poznavanje nalog in procesov, ki podpirajo obveščevalno zagotovitev je temelj njenega razumevanja. Te naloge in procesi se v različnih državah različno poimenujejo in opredeljujejo. Terminološki zapleti so zato precejšnji navkljub sprejetim doktrinarnim dokumentom zveze NATO. Brigada združuje zmogljivosti, ki omogočajo delovanje v celotnem spektru. Obveščevalna zagotovitev se mora v brigadi izvajati v celotnem obsegu. V sodobnem vojskovanju postaja informacija pomembno orožje. Ključni proces, ki upravlja z informacijami v brigadi in polku je obveščevalni ciklus. Ta predstavlja hrbtenico obveščevalne zagotovitve. Ključno vretence te hrbtenice je skupina za obdelavo podatkov in informacij.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The intelligence warfighting function has a significant role in all elements of full spectrum operations that brigade and regiment conduct. Knowing the tasks and processes that support the intelligence warfighting function is the key to its understanding. These tasks and processes are differently defined in different countries despite the approved NATO doctrines. Terminology used is therefore different and often misguiding. Brigade has the capabilities to conduct operations in full spectrum of operations. In brigade all intelligence warfighting function tasks have to be carried out. In modern warfare information is important weapon. The key process that manages information in brigade and regiment is intelligence cycle. This is why it is the backbone of the intelligence warfighting function. The key element of the intelligence cycle is intelligence staff team that conducts analysis.Keywords:Intelligence warfighting function, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, intelligence cycle, brigade, regiment, battalion battle group