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Title:Vpliv reorganizacij na stres pripadnikov Slovenske vojske : magistrsko delo
Authors:Duh, Maja (Author)
Treven, Sonja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Živimo v obdobju globalizacije in tehnoloških napredkov, ki v organizacijah puščajo nujno potrebne organizacijske spremembe, le-te pa imajo vpliv na posamezne zaposlene. Življenje v gospodarski krizi in spremembe na delovnem mestu povzročajo stres, ki vpliva na počutje, zdravje in prav tako delo zaposlenih. S posebnimi programi in pripravami želijo pomagati zaposlenim, da bi čim lažje sprejeli spremembe. V magistrskem delu preučujemo vpliv reorganizacij na stres pripadnikov Slovenske vojske. V teoretičnem delu najprej opredelimo pojem organizacija, se osredotočimo na različne oblike profitnih in neprofitnih organizacij ter različne organizacijske strukture. Sledi pojasnitev postopka reorganizacije in ukrepi na ravni posameznikov, oddelkov in tudi podjetja, s katerimi zmanjšujemo odpor proti spremembam. Vse te spremembe prinašajo stres, zato smo ga na kratko opredelili, poiskali vire in vrste stresa na delovnem mestu. Pojasnili smo posledice stresa in predstavili različne tehnike in načine premagovanja stresa, tako na ravni posameznika kot na ravni organizacije. V magistrskem delu smo na kratko opisali Slovensko vojsko; njen temeljni namen, poslanstvo, vrednote, kakšna je njena struktura in predvsem človeški viri v Slovenski vojski. V empiričnem delu preučujemo vpliv reorganizacij na vzorcu 115 pripadnikov Slovenske vojske iz različnih krajev in delovnih mest. Ugotovili smo, da je več kot polovica pripadnikov že bila udeležena v procesu reorganizacij vsaj 3-krat ali več in da jim le-te povzročajo stres. Najpogosteje jim stres povzročajo pogodbe za določen čas. Pozitivno mišljenje pa je način, s katerimi pripadniki najpogosteje premagujejo stres.
Keywords:reorganizacija, organizacijske strukture, stres, Slovenska vojska, premagovanje stresa
Year of publishing:2014
Publisher:[M. Duh]
COBISS_ID:5233614 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Duh_Maja_i2014.pdf (1,34 MB)
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Abstract:We are living in an era of globalization and technological advances and that causes the necessary organizational changes in organizations. These changes have an impact on individual employees. Living in the economic crisis and workplace changes cause stress which affects the good mood, health and work of employees. With special programs and workshops they wish to help employees to accept changes as easy as possible. In this Master’s degree we study the impact of reorganizations to stress of the Slovenian Armed Forces. In the theoretical part we first define the concept of an organization, we focus on various forms of profit and non-profit organizations and different organizational structures. As the second it follows clarifying the proceedings of reorganizations and actions at the level of individuals, departments and companies to reduce the resistance on changes. All these changes bring stress, so we briefly identify it and we find sources and types of stress in the workplace. We explained the consequences of stress and present different techniques and ways of overcoming stress, both at the individual level and at the level of the organization. In this thesis we briefly describe the Slovenian army - what is its fundamental purpose, its mission, values, what is the structure and especially human resources in the Slovenian Army. In the empirical part we study the impact of reorganizations on a sample of 115 members of the Slovenian Armed Forces from different places and workplaces. We found that more than a half of members have already been involved in the reorganization process 3 times or more and that is what causes stress to them. Most often the stress is caused by fixed-term contracts and positive thinking is a way by which members frequently overcome stress.
Keywords:reorganization, organizational structure, stress, Slovenian Armed Forces, overcoming stress


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