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Title:Oblikovanje novega koncepta jedrske, radiološke, kemične in biološke obrambe v Slovenski vojski : zaključna naloga
Authors:Belovič, Dušan (Author)
Sitar, Đuro (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Delovanje enot in specialistov za jedrsko, radiološko, kemično in biološko obrambo zajema pomemben segment v okviru zaščite sil. Spekter delovanj je zeloširok, obsega zagotavljanje bojne podpore silam za bojevanje in izvajanje nalog pri podpornem delovanju enot Slovenske vojske. Zaradi pojava in soočanjaz novimi viri ogroţanja in tveganja varnosti na globalni, nadnacionalni in nacionalni ravni sta vloga in pomen jedrske, radiološke, kemične in biološke obrambe ključnega pomena za odzivanje na vojaške in nevojaške vire ogroţanja. Ustrezen koncept strukture in organiziranosti enot ter specialistov zagotavlja pogoje za uspešen razvoj zmogljivosti in obvladovanje vseh izzivov, s katerimi se v dinamično spreminjajočem varnostnem okolju srečujejo pripadniki in enote jedrske, radiološke, kemične in biološke obrambe. Tako kot vsaka uspešna organizacija se mora tudi Slovenskavojska pravočasno odzivati in prilagajati na spremembe v mednarodnem in nacionalnem okolju ter na ta način zagotavljati svoj razvoj in napredek. Glede na to, se morata ves čas temu primerno prilagajati tudi obseg in struktura jedrske, radiološke, kemične in biološke obrambe. Oblikovanje novih konceptov in predlogov umeščenosti enot in specialistov v strukturo Slovenske vojske, ki je predmet zaključne naloge, je dinamičen proces, katerega cilj je odgovoriti na dileme in vprašanja, kakšne zmogljivosti jedrske, radiološke, kemične in biološke obrambe potrebuje Slovenska vojska oz. jih z razpoložljivimi viri lahko zagotavlja.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, transformacija, koncept, jedrska, radiološka, kemična in biološka obramba
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[D. Belovič]
COBISS_ID:5229518 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Belovic_Dusan_i2013.pdf (1,47 MB)
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Abstract:The operation of units and specialists for nuclear, radiological, chemical andbiological defence comprises an important segment within force protection. The operation spectre is very wide, and includes ensuring combat support to combat forces and performing tasks in support operation of units of the Slovenian Armed Forces. Due to the occurrence of, and confrontation with, new sources of threats and risks to safety at global, transnational and national levels, the role and significance of nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological defence are of key importance for reacting to military and non-military sources of threats. A suitable concept of structure and organisation of units and specialists provides conditions for a successful development of capabilities and management of all challenges, with which the members and units of nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological defence are confronted in the dynamically changing security environment. Like every successful organisation, the Slovenian Armed Forces must react and adapt to modifications in international and national environment in time, thus ensuringits development and progress. Taking this into consideration, they must appropriately adapt the scope and structure of nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological defence. The formation of new concepts and proposals for the placement of units and specialists into the structure of the Slovenian Armed Forces, which is the subject of the final paper, is a dynamic process with the objective to answer the dilemmas and questions as to the capabilities of nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological defence the Slovenian Armed Forces need or can ensure with available sources.
Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, transformation, concept, nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological defence


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