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Title:Integracija procesov OVS MORS in VOPVD : zaključna naloga
Authors:Lesjak, Drago (Author)
Hartman, Ervin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Balažic, Milan (Co-mentor)
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Preoblikovanje obrambnega sistema Republike Slovenije sledi dinamiki določanja ciljev države na obrambnem področju ter izbiro optimalnih načinov in sredstev za njihovo uresničevanje. Slovenska vojska je v letu 2012 pričela s procesom transformacije z namenom zagotavljanja vojaških zmogljivosti in zmožnosti skladno s potrebami Republike Slovenije. Vzporedno z transformacijo Slovenske vojske poteka integracija civilno-vojaške strukture Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije, ki mora odpraviti procesno in organizacijsko podvojenost ter zagotoviti povezanost doslej ločenih civilnih in vojaških organizacijskih enot, ki izvajajo primerljive, oziroma istovrstne naloge in procese. Na področju obveščevalne dejavnosti na obrambnem področju sta Obveščevalno varnostna služba Ministrstva za obrambo in vojaška obveščevalna, protiobveščevalna in varnostna dejavnost subjekta, ki bosta v obdobju transformacije obrambnega sistema Republike Slovenije z integrirano obveščevalno analitiko neprekinjeno zagotavljala Slovenski vojski obveščevalne produkte. Obveščevalna zagotovitev kot bojna funkcija je usmerjenana vse ravni poveljevanja v SV in mora zagotoviti mrežni sistem izmenjave podatkov in informacij. Integracija subjektov obveščevalne dejavnosti na obrambnem področju sledi trendu sprememb v načinu delovanja obveščevalnih služb, ki temelji na večjem sodelovanju in izmenjavi podatkov (need to share) tako na nacionalnem kot mednarodnem področju. Z integracijo procesov bodo zagotovljene ključne obveščevalne informacije, ki so podlaga za sprejemanje ustreznih obrambnopolitičnih odločitev, za izvajanje poslanstva, delovanja in operativne zaščite SV, kakor tudi vodilo za sprejemanje pravočasnih in ustreznih ukrepov.
Keywords:transformacija, integracija, obveščevalna dejavnost, Obveščevalno varnostna služba MORS, vojaška obveščevalna, protiobveščevalna in varnostna dejavnost
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[D. Lesjak]
COBISS_ID:5227726 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Lesjak_Drago_i2013.pdf (408,90 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Transformation of the defense system of the Republic of Slovenia follows the dynamics of determining state goals in the field of defense and the optimal ways and means to achieve them. The Slovenian Armed Forces began in 2012 the process of transformation of its units in order to ensure military capabilities and capacities in line with the needs of the Republic of Slovenia. In parallel with the transformation of the Slovenian Armed Forces also began Civil-military integration structures of the Ministry of Defense ofthe Republic of Slovenia, which should eliminate the procedural and organizational duplication and ensure coherence previously separated civilian and military internal organizational units which have been performing comparable or similar types of features and functions. In the field of intelligence activity within the defense field, Intelligence and Security Service of the Ministry of Defense and the military intelligence, counterintelligence and security activities of Slovenian Armed Forces are the entity, which will be during the transformation of the defense system of the Republic of Slovenia continuously providing intelligence products to SlovenianArmed Forces through an integrated intelligence analytics. Intelligence, as a combat function, is directed at all levels of command in the Armed Forces and must provide network information exchange system. The integration of intelligence subjects in the defense field of the Republic of Slovenia follows the trend of the new way of intelligence management, which isbased on better cooperation within the exchange of information (need to share) at the national and international levels. Both entities will provide critical intelligence information as a base for appropriate defense political decisions, as well as for implementation of decision-making for operational protection of the Armed Forces and to take timely and suitable measures.
Keywords:transformation, integration, Intelligence and Security Service of Ministry of defense, intelligence, counterintelligence and security activities


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