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Title:Primerjava sistemov mobilizacije v času 2. svetovne vojne na Slovenskem : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Zadel, Alojzij (Author)
Bernik, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Po aprilski vojni leta 1941 v Jugoslaviji so si slovensko ozemlje razdelili trije okupatorji. Nemci so okupirali Štajersko, Gorenjsko, Mežiško dolino in severni del Dolenjske; Madžarom je pripadlo Prekmurje, Italijanom pa del Notranjske, Dolenjske in Ljubljanska pokrajina. Okupatorji so na slovenskem ozemlju pričeli z nasilnimi ukrepi za raznarodovanje Slovencev oziroma za njihovo fizično uničenje. Kot odgovor Slovencev na okupacijo sta se razvila Osvobodilna fronta in partizanstvo, ki sta odigrala veliko vlogo v boju proti okupatorju, v posameznih primerih pa tudi proti lastnemu narodu. Odrasli moški so se v obdobju 2. svetovne vojne na Slovenskem znašli v nezavidljivem položaju, saj so se morali odločati med okupacijskimi silami in njihovimi slovenskimi sodelavci na eni strani in odporniškim gibanjem, ki je bilo pod vplivom in nadzorom Komunistične partije, na drugi strani. Slovenske moške so mobilizirale tako okupacijske sile kot tudi sile narodnoosvobodilnega gibanja,pri čemer so uporabljale različne metode.
Keywords:druga svetovna vojna, oborožene formacije, Slovenija, vojaška mobilizacija, diplomske naloge
Year of publishing:2014
Publisher:[A. Zadel]
COBISS_ID:5209294 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf VIS_Zadel_Alojzij_i2014.pdf (936,08 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:After the April war in 1941 in Yugoslavia, the Slovenian territory was divided by three invaders. Štajerska, Gorenjska, the wally of Meţica and the northern part of Dolenjska was under German, Prekmurje under Hungarys and part of notranjska and the Ljubljana region was under Italian occupation. The invaders force on Slovenian territory started with violent measures to denationalize the Slovenian people, or to destroy them completely. As the Slovenian countermeasure the Liberation front ŽOsvobodilna FrontaŽ and the partisans were formed, which played a major role in the fight against the invaders force, unfortunately in some cases also against its own nation. Grownup men in the time of the world war found themselves in a tight spot, as they had to decide between the forces of the invaders and their Slovenian counterparts or the rebel movements which were under the communist parties influence. Slovenians adult males were mobilized by invaders forces aswell as the forces of the liberation, both using different methods of persuasion
Keywords:second world war, armed units, Slovenia, military mobilization, diploma thesis


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