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TitleNaravne nesreče v občini Postojna : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Miklavec, Martin (Author)
Grozde, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:High school thesisOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:naravne nesreče, Postojna, žled, poplave, vreme, kras, analizaUDC:504.4(497.471Postojna)(043.2)COBISS_ID:5196750Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10219 ogledov; 526 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf VIS_Miklavec_Martin_i2014.pdf (4,14 MB)
Abstract:Naloga v prvem delu analizira geografski prostor občine Postojna in vpliv prostora na naravne nesreče. V drugem delu razjasni vremenski ter časovni potek in razsežnost najhujše naravne nesreče, ki je prizadela občino v zadnjih stotih letih. V nadaljevanju analizira postopke in ukrepe odgovornih: župana, območnega štaba civilne zaščite in razjasni vlogo Slovenske vojske v sodelovanju pri zaščiti in reševanju. Zadnji del naloge analizira odpravljanje posledic nesreče in velikost pomoči iz tujine ter drugih delov države in vojske. Sledi sklep z ugotovitvami odgovornih organov in naše razmišljanje glede tega, kaj spremeniti, da bi v primeru vnovične takšne ali drugačne naravne nesreče pravilno in pravočasno ukrepali s ciljem zmanjšati ali preprečiti posledice za ljudi in infrastrukturo v takih primerih.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:In the first part of the study analyzes the geographic location of the municipality of Postojna and the impact of space to natural disasters. The second part of the task of clarifying the weather and the time course and magnitude of the worst natural disasters which affected municipality in the last hundred years. Below we analyze the procedures and measures of responsibility: the mayor, the regional headquarters of civil protection and clarify the role of the Slovenian Armed Forces in cooperation in protection and rescue. The last part analyzes the after math of an accident size of aid from abroad and other parts of the country and the army. In the end, concluded with the findings of the responsible authorities and our thinking what to change to make in the event of renewed one or other natural disasters proper and timely action with the aim to reduce or prevent effects on humans and infrastructure in such situations.Keywords:nature accident, Postojna, freezing rain, floods, weather, karst, analysis