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Title:Bližnja letalska podpora v ISAF in MOM : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Bavdek, Boštjan (Author)
Žunkovič, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Diplomsko delo opisuje osnove bližnje letalske podpore v ISAF in na MOM. Dokument vsebuje osnoven opis sistema nadziranja oz. zahtevanja bližnje letalske podpore, usmerjevalca združenega ognja, letalskih orožij, uporabe različnih zračnih plovil in nevarnosti s tal. Opisane so tudi vrste ciljev, nakatere lahko delujemo, vrste protiletalskega orožja in načini preprečevanja delovanja po lastnih enotah. Vsebina je zgoščen opis delovanja bližnje letalske podpore, ki nam omogoča razumeti delovanje sistema na bojišču ali misijah.
Keywords:bližnja letalska podpora, International security assistance force, ISAF, letalsko orožje, usmerjevalec združenega ognja
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[B. Bavdek]
COBISS_ID:512315958 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf VIS_Bavdek_Bostjan_i2013.pdf (1,99 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:This document describes close air support basics in ISAF and Military operations and missions. It is consist of basic description of theater air control system or close air support request process, Joint terminal attack controller, aerial weapons, tactics, techniques and procedures for different aerial systems and threats from the ground. It also describes different types of targets, air defense weapons and fratricide prevention. Text is compressed description how close air support works, and allows us to understand in theater close air support.
Keywords:close air support, International security assistance force, ISAF, aircraft weapons, joint terminal attack controller, JTAC


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