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TitleViri ogrožanja in tveganja nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Fišnar, Maja (Author)
Murko, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:High school thesisOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:nacionalna varnost, viri ogrožanja in tveganja, globalni viri ogrožanja in tveganja, nadnacionalni viri ogrožanja in tveganja, nacionalni viri ogrožanja in tveganjaUDC:355.02(497.4)(043.2)COBISS_ID:512267830Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10819 ogledov; 1651 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf VIS_Fisnar_Maja_i2013.pdf (1,25 MB)
Abstract:Zagotavljanje nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije temelji na nacionalnih interesih in nacionalnovarnostnih ciljih države. Življenjski interes države je ohranitev neodvisnosti, suverenosti in ozemeljske celovitosti. Bistvo zagotavljanja nacionalne varnosti predstavlja dobrobit in napredek Republike Slovenije in njenih prebivalcev. Varnost države, njenih prebivalcev, naravnih dobrin in kulturne dediščine pa lahko omajejo različne oblike ogrožanja in tveganja. V diplomski nalogi bodo predstavljeni globalni viri, nadnacionalni in nacionalni viri ogrožanja in tveganja nacionalne varnosti Republike Slovenije. Nacionalni viri ogrožanja in tveganja so tisti, katerih povzročitelji smo v večini primerov državljani RS sami in katerih posledice prizadenejo prebivalce naše države, zato bodo v nalogi posebej predstavljeni. Predstavljeni bodo tudi najizrazitejši viri ogrožanja in tveganja zadnjega obdobja in na kakšen način lahko omilimo njihovo pojavnost oziroma njihove posledice.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Threat and risk sources of national security of Slovenian RepublicAbstract:National security of the Republic of Slovenia is based on national interests and the national security objectives of the country. Vital interest of the republic is the preservation of independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. The essence of providing the national security is the welfare and progress of the Republic of Slovenia and its citizens. Republics, citizens, national goods and cultural heritage safety, can be undermined by different threats and risk. This diploma describes global, transnational and national threat and risk sources of national security of the Republic of Slovenia.The national threat and risk sources are those, which are in most cases caused by citizens of our republic and the consequences affects them, therefore they will be especially presented in this task, including the most featured in the last period and how to mitigate their incidence and their consequences.Keywords:national security, threat and risk source, global threat and risk sources, transnatinal threat and risk sources, natinal threat and risk sources_